Fokker T.V
June 27, 20202
June 27, 20203
June 27, 20204
June 27, 20205
June 27, 20206
June 27, 20207
June 27, 20208
June 27, 20209
July 4, 202010
July 11, 202011
July 11, 202012
July 12, 202013
July 25, 2020The glass nose contains a frame which supports the 20mm cannon. Valom gives you a PE frame. I want it 3D because the frame is made of tubes. In comes Evergreen!14
July 25, 2020And it looks a lot better15
August 17, 2020Masking the millions of windows. Tamiya tape on, pressing it with a toothpick, then running the rims with a blunt knife, and finally with a sharp knife.16
August 17, 2020A little more tubing and armament in the tail section17
August 17, 2020Placing the radial engine into the cowling by drilling from the outside into 3 cilinders and fixating it with Evergreen rod (1mm)18
August 17, 2020Drilling 0,8mm holes for the exhaust stacks from the outside through the exhaust collector ring into the cilinders19
August 17, 2020Using 0,75mm rod for exhaust stacks20
August 17, 2020Disassembled the engine and painted the interior of the cowling camouflage brown, the exhaust collector ring aluminium21
August 17, 2020Finished engine. Valom added a beautiful little resin engine. I only added the protection tubing for the push rods (0,75mm black)22
August 17, 2020Engines assembled. Nice seemless exhaust!23
September 6, 2020Primed and ready for some camo24
September 19, 2020First color is Hataka C087 brown, mixed with 20% white. Left side is finished, right side needs a last layer25
September 19, 2020Black basing in different stages26
September 27, 2020Colors are on! Hataka C074, C087 and C246. All mixed with 20% white.I thought the beige color was too sandy, so I filtered with light gray untill I was satisfied.27
October 4, 2020The orange war triangels are on. This wraps up the general painting. The only decals for the plane are aircraft registration numbers (855), which are next.28
October 19, 2020Main wheels with brass axles29
October 19, 2020Propeller hub with brass axle and blades with aluminium attachment tubes30
November 30, 2020Finally finished31
November 30, 202032
November 30, 202033
November 30, 202034
November 30, 202035
November 30, 202036
November 30, 202037
November 30, 202038
November 30, 2020
13 March 2025, 21:14 -