October 31, 2021The start of Modelpalooza2021! Individuals setting up early Friday afternoon.2
October 31, 2021Bill and Chris setting up their work stations. Alan in the background already at work!3
October 31, 2021Dave and Alan with a variety of projects on the go. Covid precautions were in place to protect modellers. Dave just sat down and had the option of removing his mask to model. Anyone moving around the room was required to don his/her mask.4
October 31, 2021Brian and Wayne busy modelling!5
October 31, 2021Eric hard at work with his model. Plenty of light for fine details.6
October 31, 2021Blair setting up for his work station.7
October 31, 2021Cam and Jerry came for Saturday and got straight to work at their respective projects.8
October 31, 2021Allan showing some of his Dungeons and Dragons snap-together buildings. These can be built in any configuration and have opening doors, windows and cupboards to keep his players busy.9
October 31, 2021Some of the signage explaining Covid requirments before entering the event.10
October 31, 2021Plenty of swag on hand for purchasing. These aprons went fast!11
October 31, 2021Loads of raffles, draws and silent auction items to keep everyone happy! The local hobby shop, Express Hobbies, donated the $100 raffle item....with an appropriately sized cheque!12
October 31, 2021Silent auction prints for sale.13
October 31, 2021Another pic of the prints.14
October 31, 2021Last bunch of prints for the silent auction.15
October 31, 2021The dibond print that has become a feature of the Modelpalooza event. This is a two-sided white aluminum and plastic core substrate which is UV laser printed on.16
October 31, 2021For Modelpalooza2021, these three styles of cutting mats were available for sale after three were won as door prizes.17
October 31, 2021A selection of Flory products on sale from High Altitude Hobbies. High Altitude is Phil Flory's North American distributor of his fine products.18
October 31, 2021Sponsor signage for the event.19
October 31, 2021Although there was no "show" component to Modelpalooza2021, event attendees did bring a few items for everyone to see!20
October 31, 2021More items for people to look at, including a diorama.21
October 31, 2021The last bunch of show items featured figures and were a big hit!22
October 31, 2021Saturday afternoon featured a live blog with Phil Flory. Here is a screen grab of him explaining his weathering wash and what effects the normal user can achieve with them.23
October 31, 2021A before and after of Phil's wash on a plane model.24
October 31, 2021After using the wash, Phil showed different techniques for taking some of it off. Use your fingers or a cloth for just taking off some excess on panels and leaving the panel lines looking as if there was a pin wash added. Here Phil shows one of his excellent high grade sanding sticks used to take off more and leave a satin finish to the panel. Many techniques were learned by the attendees during this blog!25
October 31, 2021Artem was the proud winner of one of the door prizes!26
October 31, 2021The speed build held Saturday evening was won by Chris. Chris beat out nine others to win first prize in which he had first pick of three different kits. Here he is seen with his choice, the Hasegawa 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IXc. The speed build kit for this contest was the excellent Airfix 1/72 Willys British Airborne Jeep kit.27
October 31, 2021Artem came in second-place in the speed build and he chose the Aoshima 1/700 HMS Victorious.28
October 31, 2021Third-place in the speed build was a bit of a dark-horse! The duo of Alan and Allan won! Allan clipped parts and Al put them together!29
October 31, 2021Winner of the silent auction dibond picture was Logan! A top-bid of $20 Cdn took it!30
October 31, 2021Chris surprised everyone when he again won one of the top prizes, the $100 Express Hobbies gift certificate!31
October 31, 2021Late Sunday morning, everyone started their take-down for the trek home.32
October 31, 2021Here we see Logan saying goodbye to Brian with Eric looking on.
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