Humvee GMV Enduring Freedom
January 29, 2023Using a Pro Arts conversion kit for this one.2
January 29, 2023A couple of hours work and most of the frame is done. As usual with Tamiya the parts fit very well.3
January 29, 2023First resin parts glued. The winch has very good details, but it took a good part of 30 minutes to clean the part. It was both fiddly and difficult to clean it but i managed by being slow and carefull.4
January 29, 2023Very good winch details at the rear as well.5
January 29, 2023The original Pro Art kit comes with nice Humvee resin wheels, but I had a set of Super Swamper tyres in the stash and there is no reason not to use them 🙂6
January 29, 2023An early mockup to check that all things are aligned.7
February 2, 2023Making a simple base. To make a small base I have good results using air drying DAS clay. I mask of the area where I don´t want any clay and cover the area with white glue before I spread a thin layer of clay. The glue helps the clay to better bond to the base.8
February 2, 2023Then I set the tyre tracks. Be sure to wash any clay off the tyres when done.9
February 2, 2023I use a piece of sand paper to «print» some texture in the clay.10
February 2, 2023The I add some rocks and press them into the clay.11
February 2, 2023Last thing is to remove the masking tape and let it dry for 24 hours. When dry the detailing continues. Next step will be to add some AK acrylic texture.12
February 4, 2023Mock-up. It starts to look like a GMV. The Pro Art parts are well detailed but extremly fiddly to clean up. I had to glue the ammo can holder on the passenger side before the final sanding (which is not done yet).13
February 4, 2023Mk 19 as the Main weapon.14
February 4, 2023The Pro Art Models kit is ok for its age, but I´m starting to get tired of facemask, vacuume cleaner and sanding.15
February 5, 2023The upcoming operators need som weapons. The M4 rifles and DMR are from Blast, the M240 is from Legend.16
February 5, 2023Allmost ready for some paint17
February 5, 2023I will go for the rear doors since the crew is dressed for winter.18
February 15, 2023I built some extra armor and added pedals and floor mats to the GMV19
February 15, 2023The armor is scratchbuilt from styrene and masking tape using some reference pictures. The bolts is a bit over scaled, but it is what I had in my spares box.20
February 15, 2023The same armor, but with some primer.21
February 15, 2023And it can hardly be seen with the dash and windscreen attached22
February 15, 2023I did not like the bolts so I changed them23
February 15, 202324
February 17, 2023Working on the radio setup. (Mock-up picture)25
February 21, 2023Built a satellite antenna. Figure is for scale only.26
February 21, 2023Changed the radio for a better set up from MR Models.27
February 23, 2023Moons out - Goons out!28
February 27, 2023Heater system installed29
March 1, 2023Lots of small details tonight. Fuel Line, sun visors, speakers, windshield viper motor, etc…30
March 7, 2023«The Goons» at a very early stage of painting.31
March 9, 2023The evolution of Goons. Some more paint added.32
March 13, 2023Crew is more or less finished33
April 11, 2023Finally got time to do some work on the GMV. Still a long way to go.34
April 11, 2023Roof and gun mount is not glued. Need to work on the interior.35
April 16, 2023Radios wired up and installed36
April 16, 2023I´m quiet happy with how the PLGR GPS turned out.37
April 25, 2023A bit of stowage. The tarp is made from Kleenex tissue.38
April 26, 2023Crew has gotten their personal weapons and is glued to the seats39
April 26, 2023Birdseye wiev40
April 26, 2023Vehicle commander with his M-4 in a sling41
April 26, 2023Rear wiev before the roof went on.42
April 26, 2023Finally some progress. Interior is done and roof is glued on.43
May 3, 2023Only a couple of more nights now44
May 4, 202345
May 4, 202346
May 4, 202347
May 4, 202348
May 4, 202349
May 4, 2023Finished!50
May 4, 202351
May 4, 2023
13 March 2025, 20:31 -
Album info
Converting a Tamiya M1025 into a Special Forces «Dumvee»