June 15, 2023The start of Modelpalooza2022!2
June 15, 2023Once again, the Canalta Hotel in Humboldt was our Gold Sponsor and supplied the room for our event.3
June 15, 2023Attendees starting to file in and set up their stations.4
June 15, 2023Some of the committee members discussing the set-up.5
June 15, 2023Committee members Stephen D., Logan E., Dave H., and Greg B. walking attendees through a quick orientation. Missing: Bill C., and taking pictures...Ken K.6
June 15, 2023This year, instead of just 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, the Speed Build winners got to pick form the "Prize Mountain". This was well received.7
June 15, 2023Again for this year, Express Hobbies from Saskatoon sponsored our $100.00 prize raffle. A big thank you to Warren at Express!8
June 15, 2023Silent auction prizes - a nice dibond print and 7 heavy paper prints.9
June 15, 2023Silent auction prizes - a nice dibond print and 7 heavy paper prints.10
June 15, 2023Silent auction prizes - a nice dibond print and 7 heavy paper prints.11
June 15, 2023Silent auction prizes - a nice dibond print and 7 heavy paper prints.12
June 15, 2023Attendees well under way with the event.13
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.14
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.15
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.16
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.17
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.18
June 15, 2023Full house of modellers.19
June 15, 2023Greg B. intent on his build.20
June 15, 2023Drop-in student working on his model.21
June 15, 2023Models on the display table.22
June 15, 2023Models on the display table.23
June 15, 2023Models on the display table.24
June 15, 2023Ken K. with his creation - the Speed Build Prize Mountain!25
June 15, 2023Dave N. was the lucky winner of the $100.00 Express Hobbies gift certificate...drawn on Saturday evening.
15 March 2025, 19:01 -
Album info
A friendly get-together of individuals for the purpose of building plastic models and fostering friendship. This will be a registrant-only event. A maximum of 24 modellers will be allowed to participate.