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Vimal Indrasoma (Vimal)

Hidden Sherman


16 30 May 2023, 12:24
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress so far.
 31 May 2023, 05:26
Vimal Indrasoma
Hope I last till the end!
 31 May 2023, 15:26
David R. Meizoso
Very convincing roof damage!
 31 May 2023, 15:28
Robert Podkoński
Very realistic indeed.
 31 May 2023, 15:32
Vimal Indrasoma
Thank you!
I hope the tank comes out well, I have no reference for the decals as yet.
 1 June 2023, 12:46
Nice work, I really like your comment about the thickness of the roof 😄 You resolved the issue very nicely 🙂
 1 June 2023, 13:06
Vimal Indrasoma
Yes, it's a lovely casting, but perhaps they should have provided seperate roof parts in thin plastic.
 2 June 2023, 01:03
Vimal Indrasoma
Oops, spelling!
 20 June 2023, 07:25
Michael Kohl
Like it
 20 June 2023, 07:50
So do I .
 20 June 2023, 08:30
Vimal Indrasoma
Thank you!
Constructive criticism also accepted!
 21 June 2023, 00:51

Album info

A diorama with a vintage Airfix 1/76 Sherman MkII and a 'Ruined European Workshop', also from Airfix.
The base is a cardboard stiffener from an Amazon DVD mailer, and the landscaping is mainly a lump of Plasticine modelling clay that came with my new airconditioner (!).

BTW, I did the 'Crouching Tiger' earlier ...

17 bilder
1:76 M4 Sherman MkI (Airfix A01303)1:76 European Ruined Workshop (Airfix A75001)

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