P-40B Tiger SharkRevell | No. 85-5209 | 1:48Projeler23 GörüntülerRevell P40B1:48proje: First Build in almost 30 years7 GörüntülerRevell 85-5209 P-40B Tiger Shark1:48proje: (004) Revell 85-520915 GörüntülerTigerShark Progress1:48First coats of the paint on the top are down. Also the “tan” parts also look much more tan and less green irl. Definitel...proje: P-40b Warhawk16 GörüntülerP-40B Tiger Shark1:48proje: P-40B Tiger Shark11 GörüntülerRevell P-40B1:48proje: Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk IIB