B1 bis German ArmyPanzerkampfwagen B-2 740(f)Tamiya | No. 35287 | 1:35Projeler66 GörüntülerB1 bis German Army - Kit Build Photos1:35And with a little dust and some flat coat, calling it done!proje: B1 bis German Army (For TAMIYA 35287)13 GörüntülerB1 bis1:35proje: Char B1 bis10 GörüntülerChar B-1 Bis (Captured), 1/35, tamiya1:35proje: Char B-1 Bis (Captured), 1/35, tamiya4 GörüntülerB1 Bis1:35proje: B1 Bis12 GörüntülerGerman B1 bis 1:35proje: B1 bis German Army