SAAB SK35C Draken
59 5 May 2024, 14:59

Thanks S M! Well, so far so good. I'm actually more concerned about getting the natural metal paint work done properly😅
The old Revell kit as such is a quite good mule for a Caesar as it is based on the early A & C version of the plane.😊 Downside is that the kit needs a lot of attention due to bad fitting. The landing gears is a disaster🙈
24 May 2024, 18:29

@S M, I managed to source the canopy externally through a hobby store in Sweden.
28 May 2024, 19:36

How did I miss this? A Skoldraken conversion, oh my. But I have to say it looks absolutely great already! And it's such a beautiful aircraft too.
30 May 2024, 20:08

Thanks Thomas for encouraging words. Yes, It really is a beautiful aircraft.
It's a pitty that Hasegawa didn't go the full way with also producing a SK35C version. Anyway there are some great aftermarket kits.
I started this build for exactly 30 years ago & then life came between.😅
Now it's time to finalize the porject.
31 May 2024, 09:37

Wow... it looks great now! I can't wait to see the end.
@Thomas Kolb, there is also a Skale Wings two-seater, but I think it is not the same version as this one.
31 May 2024, 18:05

Thanks Cuajete! Almost done, awaiting some stencils to be able to finalize.
Skale wings is nice covering the Danish version, that one can be reworked to a SK35C with some mods. Other kits to consider if you want to go two-seater you also have the old Heller kit. Maestro models have conversion kit for Hasegawa in both 1/72 & 1/48 which is nice. Nevertheless it need some work on the airframe to get the proper look.
31 May 2024, 19:19

Special project. Always nice to see such old kits turned into presentable models.
4 June 2024, 16:58

Thanks Cuajete for your support during this project, now only missing some stencils to finalize.
5 June 2024, 07:18

Project have now come to an end. Feels great to finalize a kit I started 30 years ago!
24 June 2024, 19:11

Very neat conversion and a beautiful result! Congratulations for getting this project through the finishing line!
24 June 2024, 19:31

Wish all my old kits looked that good when I complete them one day 👍
24 June 2024, 21:05

It looks fantastic for its age. I think the same as Łukasz and would like all my old kits to look as good when I complete them one day.
Great job. Congrats!
25 June 2024, 17:24

Thanks Cuajete for your kind words.
Given the fact that this kit is based on Revells original mold from the 50's/60's it was a challenging build but it turn out according to plan.
25 June 2024, 17:59

Thanks Stephan for your support. 👍🏻
Used Tamiya spray paint AS-12 Bare Metal Silver with some filters.
28 June 2024, 07:03