2S23 SPG Nona-SVK
1 16 March 2015, 05:55

Thanks, trying to work out the colours and how to paint now, Believe Ukrainian cam scheme
17 March 2015, 08:44

I'm repainting, I found the photos on a Venezuelan site and thought it was theirs. Turns out Biso do decals for Russian marines, so will respray in Russian colours. Try to do freehand as was not happy with this one.
27 March 2015, 23:49

Hi Scott, it you want to replicate the photo, I think, the camo patern is a bit more "wavy" in the perimeter, and not so circular shaped, or enclosed in the turret..???
28 March 2015, 04:42

Yes, that's my impression as well, I tried doing with blue tack masking the white, it was too wide and not wavy enough. Its been overplayed now, second try
28 March 2015, 06:49

Its done, off to the cabinet now. The respray was too blue, but brought it back a bit with weathering. Wasn't respraying a third time.
10 April 2015, 07:19

Don't know what happened with display, aspect ratio seems wrong. You get the idea anyway
10 April 2015, 07:22
Album info
Russian 2S23 built from Zvezda BTR-80, Hobby Planet Resin Conversion and SP Designs Wheels, figure from Masterclub