Mirage IIIC - Eduard
13 March 2025, 21:55 -
Album info
The Eduard Mirage IIIC in the latest Weekend Edition.
Painted with Allclad II, completed with Eduard FABRIC seat belts, Eduard PE set for the seat and brass pitot tube from Master Detail.
Painting steps:
- Allclad Black glossy Primer
- metal coat and shadings: Allclad Aluminium, White Alu, Duraluminium, Steel, Jet Exhaust and others.
- Allclad "Klear Kote glossy"
- Decals
- Washing (Vallejo)
- Shadings with Tamiya and Gunze Smoke
- Finish Allclad "Klear Kote Light Sheen".
Surely not the perfect work. A little dust in the painting, engraving lost by sanding etc...
But I hope you like it. 🙂