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Jan Peters
Jan Peters (Jan Peters )

U boot typ IIb


13 12 August 2018, 15:25
Jan Peters Yazar
Small update, little progress has been made, I added the rudder and propeller assembly, and started on the fiddly bits like the periscope and such.
 2 September 2018, 14:39
Jan Peters Yazar
Picked it up again, looking to finish it after a couple of years 🙂
 15 July 2021, 08:34
Bruce Huxtable
Watching with interest ?
 15 July 2021, 08:45
 15 July 2021, 08:49
Jan Peters Yazar
 15 July 2021, 13:07
Jan Peters Yazar
Thanks Roland
 3 August 2021, 14:13
Bruce Huxtable
Liking your rust stains 🙂
1  3 August 2021, 15:28
Jan Peters Yazar
Thanks Bruce.
They were partly the reason for me wanting to do an u-boot, I realy like to try out differing weathering effects.
Meanwhile I' found out more about these facinating machines, and have more planned in the future
 3 August 2021, 17:36
Jan Peters Yazar
I'm calling this one done 🙂
 8 August 2021, 14:30
Rui S
Very nice weathering work 👍
1  1 October 2022, 11:20
Jan Peters Yazar
Thanks Rui 🙂
 1 October 2022, 11:51

Album info

Revell 1/144 type IIb submarine, straight from the box

39 Görüntüler
1:144 Type II B (Revell 05115)No German Insignia (Tail) (Kits-World KW1724832)
Submarine Type II
3R Wehrmacht Kriegsmarine (German Navy 1935-1945)
1 U-Flotille U-20
1940 - Kiel

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