February 1, 2021Next to the P-40.2
November 1, 20193
May 17, 2020Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures.4
May 17, 2020Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures.5
May 17, 2020Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures.6
July 5, 2020Project update: as this is a proof of concept build more than anything I trying ouf some things: model will be fully rescribed, did get rid of the pronounced fabric effect as the pictures of the real thing show a smooth finish, also made the cowling hinges from streched sprue and added smal brass elements.7
July 5, 20208
July 21, 2020Tailplanes ready. Many liquid putty and ca glue has fallen during this heroic act of valor 🙂9
July 21, 2020Tailplanes ready. Many liquid putty and ca glue has fallen during this heroic act of valor 🙂10
October 2, 2020After a big break (modelling my kitchen) the project continues. Windshield attached. On this side it is decent bit needed some filler.11
October 2, 2020This side needed a fair amount of filler.12
October 12, 2020Canopy sanded and fitted. Fit was generally poor but managable.13
October 12, 2020Wheels and spats added. No issues there14
October 13, 2020Rescribed the lower part of the wing today. Sanded the wing smooth starting with 600 grit finishing with 2000 grit. Corrected the lines and smoothed them with tamiya extra thin. I am pleased with the result consdering the fact that it is my first effort at rescribing a kit. For rescribing I used the trupeter scribing tool with a cmk razor saw.15
October 13, 2020I rescribed the upper wing a few weeks ago. It is good to secure it with masking tape in order to avoid scratches when working on the lower half as I did here.16
October 24, 2020Joined the wing to the fuselage - upper wing rescribed also.17
October 24, 2020The wing to fuselage join is pretty bad unfortunately, much filling and seam work awaits18
November 23, 2020Filled and sanded the wing to canopy seam and polished the clear parts with tamiya compound - they look better than at the beginning but still are not to clear.19
November 25, 2020Masked of the canopy edges and fixed the broken of pitot tube with brass wire. Now it's time to use masking fluid and degrease the model before priming.20
November 23, 2020Filled and sanded the wing to canopy seam and polished the clear parts with tamiya compound - the y look better than at the beginning but still are not to clear.21
December 25, 2020Model primed with AK Fine primer black spray can - can only reccomend this product as it is easy to apply.22
December 25, 2020AK primer is very good to work with as I needed to do multiple corrections of blemishes and other after it came out after priming mainly by the windshield and glazing. The final effect is ok by me but manny sanding and smoothing sessions were needed. Also unfortunately the wheel struts broke 2 times and had to repair them.23
January 1, 2021Tamiya AS-12 bare metal silver sprayed on. It went on without a fuss. Tried to seal it with mr. Hobby color clear gloss but ended up with partially disdolved tamiya paint. Luckly the damadge was repairable. Now on to detail painting.24
January 1, 2021Painting on silver is difficult as every mistake will be higlighted. Did notice some mistakes only after making the pictures.25
January 7, 2021Detail painting complete.26
January 7, 2021Treated the model with a black wash which toned the silver down a bit to a darker shade.27
January 7, 2021Started decaling with the upper wing. The zts decals look thick on paoer but are actually thin. They react very good to micro sol and set solutions.28
January 9, 202129
January 7, 2021Did also the lower wing today30
January 9, 2021As did the right side.31
January 31, 2021Almost done. The cockpit glazing was of very bad quality, even a tamiya compound treatment didnt give it too much clarity. Additionally the canopy masking didnt go off as planned, I had a big headache to bring the framing to at least an acceptable level.32
January 31, 2021Now on to the proppeler, had a big problem with the canopy framing, tamiya as sprays give a very stiff coating which results with problems during demasking of clear parts. This is the best which I could do, but I am still satisfied with the kit33
February 1, 2021Calling it done.34
February 1, 2021Left side35
February 1, 2021Upper view36
February 1, 2021From the shelf of doom to the shelf of completion 🙂 The kit family is slowly growing.
21 February 2025, 15:45 -
Album info
Vintage kit, the first model i built when i was around 10 years old. If you treat it as short run nothing will surprise you