MetalEarth Mars Exploration Rover & Drone
October 23, 2021Preparation: - 4 1/2 PE Sheets - 12 pages (3 sheets) of instructions
Lots of very small parts (190 not counting duplicates)
Gotta be nuts!! Scale is 1:302
October 23, 2021Starting with the "Ingenuity" helicopter (drone).
4 parts to get to this stage. seeing how small this is, and how fat my fingers are, I decided that a bit of CA might be called for.3
October 23, 2021I was right - Used CA to fix the "shaft" up the guts - Total of 10 pieces to complete.
No. It doesn't fly!4
October 23, 2021Starting on the explorer - key chassis components - a little more CA methinks!!5
October 25, 2021This is the "rear" end of the chassis, with lots of small complex-bending components to add.6
October 25, 2021Another component for later on7
October 25, 2021bodywork, for later on8
October 25, 2021The radiated unit consists of a cylinder, into which you insert 8 other panels, twist them all on the inside, before closing the cylinder........slowly, slowly....more components then added9
October 25, 2021top view10
October 25, 2021top view 211
October 25, 2021back view12
October 27, 2021More small components to be used later - 1mm chisel for scale reference13
October 25, 2021next mutli-folded component - around 10 pieces in this one.........called it a night after this!!14
October 27, 2021Camera stand assembly15
October 27, 20212 cameras & lights readied - 1mm chisel for scale reference16
October 27, 2021Cameras & lights mounted on video camera base17
October 27, 2021camera stand completed.
One point of caution here (not that anyone will notice), the tabs in the video camera lens don't match the slots, so had to chop one & use CA. (hidden inside the video camera case.)18
October 27, 2021Starting to add components to the top plate of the rover.19
October 27, 2021and some more - fine pliers for scale reference20
October 27, 2021close up - very good fits here.21
October 27, 2021top plate of rover fully populated22
October 27, 2021Insurance......don't want any loose components!23
October 27, 2021Top plate joined to rear plate - that's it for tonight!24
October 29, 2021Left hand side plate fully populated25
October 29, 2021Insurance CA on the back!!26
October 29, 2021Starting on the LHS suspension27
October 29, 2021bringing these 2 parts together is tricky, with 15 tabs to align - this is where I use the 1mm chisel to help manouevre the tabs into slots.28
October 29, 2021First arm completed29
October 29, 2021Now is as good a time as any to explain the "secret tabs & eyes" method.
1. bend IN the tab & eye like so (90 deg for the eye, a little less for the tab which you may need to curve too)
2. bring the parts together feeding the tab through the eye so that it's at the back of the piece
3. twist the tab around the eye which will pull the parts together
4. crimp the tab at the back of the eye to lock it in place
5. the result is much neater that an exposed tab, but you can only use this where you can access the back of the pieces.30
October 29, 2021Above piece added to the arm31
October 29, 2021Two suspension arms joined together - I figured this needed strengthening.......Good old CA to the rescue32
October 29, 2021Close-up - CA is hidden at the back.....
LHS wheels next!33
October 30, 2021Wheel Assembly - 2 parts attached to the stub - the initial ring is flat, while the "spokes" are twisted 90 degrees to create the sprung tyre support.34
October 30, 2021All 3 on the LHS of vehicle35
October 30, 2021Tyre building - with hidden tabs & eyes.... making the first one was bloody hard, a very tight, fragile process. Subsequent builds improved.36
October 30, 2021Will try to build these "Off" the stubs when it come to the RHS......Alignments is precarious!!37
October 30, 2021Suspension attached to the side panel, at ONE point - I think I'll add some CA to that join!38
October 31, 2021RHS Panel completed - unsurprisingly very similar to the LHS39
October 31, 2021bit of a close up40
October 31, 2021Insurance CA on the back too41
October 31, 2021Starting the LHS Suspension - remembering doing this in reverse, so knew what to watch for - went together well......g'nite!!!42
November 3, 2021Added the axle -OK43
November 3, 2021Reinforced with some more CA44
November 3, 2021Built the 2nd arm - quite fiddly, but will be OK45
November 3, 2021As previously mentioned, I'll try to build the wheels BEFORE they go on the axles, to reduce the stress on the axles, etc.
Already folded the tyre edges, and using a suitable dowel to curve the tread...46
November 3, 2021It's easy enough to get the first 3 tabs into the tyres, but I found that I had to angle the last tab, as shown, to get it into the slot!!
(I tried to force this on the first tyre & collapsed the wheel on the LHS...)47
November 3, 2021All 4 tabs in, now to insert these two tread tabs into the eyes, which I've bent in 90 degrees. and also bent the tabs about 45 degs with a bent tip too!48
November 3, 2021Tyre held together, and I can see the tabs that I have to grab on the inside.49
November 3, 2021Twist them over the eyes, and cramp them shut - then go around the outside and fold over the tabs through the tyres.50
November 3, 2021When bending the wheel sprung spokes, grab them on the inner & outer parts, ensure the pliers are pointing to the hub & twist anti-clockwise 90 degrees51
November 3, 2021Wheel & spokes ready to be paired up52
November 3, 2021You can probably get 5 of the 6 spokes inside the tyre easily. Then gently coax the remaining spoke in too - actually, not too difficult a task. I used fine pliers as my fingers are way too fat!!
Once you've got them all inside, you can rotate them to match the holes on the wheel plate.53
November 3, 20213 wheels ready to mount - this should be much less stressful on the suspension arms - I hope..... tomorrow!54
November 6, 2021All wheels & suspension arms mounted - the latest wheels WERE MUCH EASIER & Less Stressful to mount!!55
November 6, 2021This folded part creates a double thickness part, held that way with tabs you have to fold around it.
Need to hold this firmly, so used a regular PE folding tool as a clamp.56
November 6, 20212 sub-parts combined together - part of a camera arm assembly57
November 6, 2021More of the same camera arm (I think)58
November 6, 2021and some more - lots of small parts & tricky tab...................and some cheat snuck in some CA too!!! !;^)}59
November 8, 2021More work on the camera arm60
November 8, 2021This is what happens when you bend stuff the wrong way - any attempt to then bend it the right way, and it just shears off61
November 8, 2021Using more trusty CA, and some reverse tweezers as clamps while the CA sets...62
November 8, 2021and of course, working on the absolutely smallest pieces of the model.63
November 8, 2021more small components ready to go together64
November 8, 2021Not sure what this device is meant to be65
November 8, 2021another view66
November 8, 2021more stuff added to it.67
November 8, 2021and add in onto the "camera" arm - I'm sure some-one will know what it is...68
November 8, 2021the arm & device is attached to the front panel of the rover69
November 8, 2021Time to join some panels - Thought I'd try the "Secret tab & eye" method, so had to bend some of the tabs diagonally to get them to slot in.70
November 8, 2021I needed some finer pliers than I had, and I had often threatened a couple of pairs of cheap pliers with some "bench grinder" action. Here's the results - needed then this fine for the next step71
November 8, 2021Both sides attached, tabbed & glued - Oh, and I abandoned the "Secret tab & eye" method for the right hand side - too hard & fiddly, and also could not get to some tabs on the inside.72
November 8, 2021the other side73
November 8, 2021Next - attached the front panel - I'm sure this would have been easier without that arm hanging out the front - it could be fitted later.....74
November 8, 2021The last panel to attach - the bottom - easy-peasie!!75
November 8, 2021Complete - View 176
November 8, 2021View 277
November 8, 2021View 378
November 8, 2021View 479
November 8, 2021I wonder where that drone launched from, and that returned to???
7 March 2025, 02:43 -
Album info
MetalEarth version of the Mars "Perservance" Explorer and it's "Ingenuity" Helicopter drone.
I think MetalEarth is particularly suited to this sort of modelling application.
Let's see how right I am????
Quick visual lesson on hidden tabs/eyes on photo#29.
I'd have to rate this as the most difficult MetalEarth I've far!!!