rc modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Живко Джаков (JivkoDjakov)

Antonov An-2 Colt


Proje envanteri

Tam kitleri
Antonov An-2 Colt/Nanchang Y-5
Trumpeter 1:72
01602 1998 Yeni kutu

Benim bir parçası Koleksiyonları

Bulgarian Air Force
fikirler 4×Devam etmekte 1×Tamamlanan 21×Beklemede 4×İptal edildi 1×Sırada bekleyen 1×
The Cold War in the Balkans and friends.
fikirler 2×Devam etmekte 1×Tamamlanan 9×Beklemede 1×Sırada bekleyen 1×


3 15 June 2023, 06:01
Sy Bar
There is just something about this aircraft that grabs me. Watching them do a v low speed fly by is amazing too.
So 🍿ready to follow
 15 June 2023, 07:01
Robert Podkoński
I have the same kit in my stash, so I will watch dilligently too 😉
 15 June 2023, 09:48
Живко Джаков Yazar
The last time I watched it fly, I was driving on a highway between some villages. Somewhere around 90 km per hour. It took him a long time to overtake me.
I won't be starting the pattern anytime soon. I'm just passing along the ideas now.
 15 June 2023, 10:23