12 19 January, 21:48
Stefan Schacht
Hello mates, I want to build a small dio with a ruined house for a T34/85. I'm using Styrodur and some self-made tools. Cheers Stefan
Hello mates, I want to build a small dio with a ruined house for a T34/85. I'm using Styrodur and some self-made tools. Cheers Stefan
19 January, 22:00
Stefan Schacht
Thanks mates, here is a little update. I have primed the dio with a mixture of black acrylic paint and white glue. Cheers Stefan
Thanks mates, here is a little update. I have primed the dio with a mixture of black acrylic paint and white glue. Cheers Stefan
22 January, 22:54
Stefan Schacht
Hello friends, here are some pictures of the T34/85. I build this model last year. Cheers Stefan
Hello friends, here are some pictures of the T34/85. I build this model last year. Cheers Stefan
24 January, 21:47
Stefan Schacht
Hi Material, here is a little update. I startet to paint the bricks and the road. Cheers Stefan
Hi Material, here is a little update. I startet to paint the bricks and the road. Cheers Stefan
2 February, 23:07
Stefan Schacht
Hello mates, thanks for the likes, here are the next pictures. It goes on with the bricks of the facade. Cheers Stefan
Hello mates, thanks for the likes, here are the next pictures. It goes on with the bricks of the facade. Cheers Stefan
3 February, 23:27