Project 043 -- Lamborghini Diablo VT
25 June 2019, 01:19

You better get some polish. Super cars must be shiny, it's the law!
25 June 2019, 11:03

Yeah, I'm gonna have to observe this one... I second the vote for yellow, too! That's one fast banana.
25 June 2019, 12:25

The body color will be Vallejos 70.911 Light Orange, sorry guys. I do have polish, although I've never made a good shine. I will try again for you Martin 🙂 And thank you all for joining the ride.
25 June 2019, 18:38

Vallejo 70 series isn't model air is it? In that case, thin, thin and thin some more 😄 If it is model air, thin and thin some more 😄
25 June 2019, 18:41

It's their model color line, and thinning will be done... and then some more 🙂
25 June 2019, 18:44

An orange Lamborghini? Never happened before in the history of the world! YELLOW! Come on Chris, do it for the Gipper!
25 June 2019, 21:05

Hahaha... Sorry guys, this one is orange 😛 The next Lambo I do will be yellow ok 😛
25 June 2019, 21:30

Careful Peter ! Now your going to have to explain to him who the Gipper was ! LOL
25 June 2019, 21:37

Orange is an excellent Diablo color... 👍 Unless you want to go full 90ies and make it purple😉
25 June 2019, 21:43

Bob you beat me to it! That car is owned by a local collector around here. I've actually sat in it wooooo!
26 June 2019, 00:04

Bullshite! It's a trick of the light!
PS. Saw that movie long ago when RR was acting as US President. Thought he was a bit skinny for the role though!!
26 June 2019, 01:21

OK, I have to go with Chris on this one. Lambos are ALWAYS flipping white, yellow, red or black. Orange will be a change of pace.
26 June 2019, 01:26

Yes Don but it depends on the year of production if I remember right. Besides, if you have the money for that, you can afford any color you want! LOL!
26 June 2019, 01:33

Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! I sometimes delve into the DAAHHK side!😉
Tim, I would SOOOOOO get a purple one. LOL
26 June 2019, 01:35

I like the orange for sure, but I always thought is was just the sun down South here fading that Italian red paint.
26 June 2019, 01:40

I'd want Deadmau5's Lambo... The Nyan Cat Lambo Purracan! And yes he actually owns it 😄 [img1]
26 June 2019, 01:43

Oh wow. i am sure there are people who want to string him up for that. LOL
26 June 2019, 01:45

I'll have to admit the decal set for a kit of that would be quite fun to apply.
26 June 2019, 02:21

Just listen to this and the decal will make sense ( I listen to this all the time):
Youtube Video

26 June 2019, 02:34

Yeah ! I think I just figured out what Americas problem is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 June 2019, 02:36

Chris I know yours isn't 1/18 scale, but:
If you aren't ordering it, I am.
26 June 2019, 02:48

@Nathan, how does that make the decal make sense? +1 for awesome music 😄
26 June 2019, 02:49

Because when I hear it I think of a cat shooting a rainbow out of its rear end?
26 June 2019, 02:52

You do know about Nyan-Cat The Pop-Tart Kitty, right? The most awesome and ridiculous meme from 2011!! Youtube Video

26 June 2019, 02:59

I love that I.C.P. song!
On a serious note, I'm planning to do the panel lines before the body color. The question is, what comes first? primer or panel lines?
26 June 2019, 04:57

You traitors to The British Empire know nothing! 😄 Any boy from Europe who knows a wheel is supposed to be round can tell you this:
Ferrari's are red, hence Ferrari red. White or black is acceptable.
A Lamborghini is standard yellow. Any psychedelic colour is encouraged as well.
So ditch the red, and use Peter's holopolychromysupershiny mig-15 paint 👍
26 June 2019, 05:40

LOL!! AAAAANNNND then the realm of the LGBTQ and snowflakes happened... Not a bad thing... But there are no standards now 😛 LOL
26 June 2019, 05:49

Theres room for two on the next rocket off this rock Peter ! LOL !!!!!!!!!
26 June 2019, 06:21

Panel lines. Like we do for aircraft as in a pin wash or preshading? Interesting. Orange, Go for it!!!!
26 June 2019, 06:24

I'm going to hit all panel lines with Tamiya black panel line wash... and let it (hopefully) fade as paint is sprayed up so it's not a "full out line effect". So wash before primer, or primer first?
26 June 2019, 06:29

If you're not here Peter, what's your stage name so we know what to call her ?!? 😛😛
26 June 2019, 07:02

Thanks Martin!! I've been idly sanding the body to 2k while watching T.V. 😄 It looks and feels smooth, so ready for primer tomorrow 😄 😄
26 June 2019, 07:04

This reads like a candidate film noir script opening scene...
...A man sits in front of a TV, idly sanding his model Lamborghini Diablo VT...
🙂 👍
26 June 2019, 07:33

Another where nothing has been done but the thread is long. LOL
26 June 2019, 11:22

I'm building a Lambo with a rainbow kitty just to get a million comments lol!
26 June 2019, 11:38

I live in the heart of the European Union, which makes me look at this thread in a completely different view, as an example of paradigm efficiency:
The proposing party has brought forth a new initiative (building a Lamborghini Diablo VT in 1:24 scale) and framed the initial topic (color selection), where the proposing party actively suggested a solution (orange)
A comitee of experts and accredited lobbyists investigated the topic, bringing their own solution proposals backed by historic analytic data and feasibility studies
The proposing party as a governing body, after taking all the suggestions into careful consideration and performing a thorough case-study of its own, has ruled to proceed with the original solution (orange)
There was even a side investigation into the field of future implementation (primer before panel lines) and initial pilot project was started (idle sanding of the body)
Achieving all this in less than 40 procedural steps is an outstanding example of modern interdisciplinary collaboration and result-driven process management...😉
Furthermore, this initiative has proven by no uncertain means that this splendid forum is not only capable of passive reactions to events outside its field of competence (commenting on finished builds and progress reports), but it can take an active stance in shaping the critical policies of the future 👍
26 June 2019, 13:02

Slavo, this is sooooooooo European Union! 😄 Love it! (Oh, and love being from Europe as well. 😉 )
Furthermore: ORANGE!!! Duh......
26 June 2019, 14:04

That Slavo could pull that much clear information from such chaos is impressive.
26 June 2019, 15:08

I saw a build through where the guy used panel lines before primer and it looked great, So I'm going to emulate that build. The interior will be black and orange. 😄
26 June 2019, 19:16

I can see where that technique could be useful. It is similar to the idea of pre-shading on a plane. The panel lines should show, but not be so harsh. Also since they are at the primer level could be used for any color you desire.
26 June 2019, 19:20

Honestly I completely DON'T understand pre-shading/lining.... It just gets covered by paint leaving little to not effect of the lines for the effort you put in. I never see the finished lines... But here goes...
26 June 2019, 19:27

Use extra thin paint and build up the opacity with thin layers until satisfied
26 June 2019, 19:39

Well, sh!t happens, I often have to do things twice before the results are any good... I sprayed the inside black, masked off the openings, primed the outside... it was O.K.... go to paint it orange and I messed up the ratio, water thin. I tried anyways to use it, and failed. Already striped the piant (a lot easier to do when it's wet paint still). Now the body is just sitting on the side table... mocking me. 😛
26 June 2019, 23:46

Annnnnnnd now I'm watching the Duckman series... Thanks!! Reminds me of all the awfully wonderful cartoons of the early '90s. Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken and all the other A+ adult topic shows 😄
27 June 2019, 00:04

Rocko was freaking AWESOME! The stuff they got past the censors..
27 June 2019, 00:56

I actually named my corn snake Rocko... So everytime I watch him, I'm watching Rocko's Modern Life 😄 All those cartoons with uncensored topics were awesome. And they got even better when I rewatched them as an adult... Rocko worked a phone sex operator for cryin' out loud LOLOLOLOLOL Youtube Video

27 June 2019, 01:10

Not a snake person Peter? I also had a ball python named Fido (with an awesome Fido sized dog house in the cage 🙂 The dog house was fun to build😄 ), a tarantula named Fluffy, and a group of male hissing cockroaches named after the Autobots 😄 among many other critters 😄
27 June 2019, 04:18

Wow your into it already. Lines give an affect already. Could do this Tron style. A whole new world I hadn't considered.
27 June 2019, 04:57

And I'm messing up already too 😛 Oh well... there's always tomorrow. I hope I don't cover the panel lines again.
27 June 2019, 05:04

I don't mind snakes Chris, just never heard of a corn snake. I did a square dance with a Spinifex Snake in the Simpson Desert a few years ago. Actually, it might have been a quick step! Gawd that thing was fast!
27 June 2019, 07:29

3-5 foot field snake from the midwestern corn type fields... My Rocko is red with a checkerboard bottom.
27 June 2019, 07:31

Yup! Probably can't call too many Aussie snakes as cute little fellas, huh? Well, maybe cute until it bites 😛
27 June 2019, 07:54

I don't think I'd ever want to have one for a pet, but I don't mind snakes. Actually one if my proudest parenting moments involved snakes.
I can be a bit persnickety when it comes to language, and I'm apparently passing that on to my daughter. I don't limit my vocabulary with her, and she's never shy about asking what new words mean.
When she was just four she was FaceTiming with my mother, playing a pretend game about animals. When snakes came up, I heard my mother say, "Oh, that's not a poisonous snake, is it?"
My daughter stops playing, looks skeptically at her grandmother and says, "Gramma, do you mean venomous?" Oh man, the way she said it, too. Pedantic just like her dad.
27 June 2019, 10:59

Funny story Paul!
All snakes are beautiful and beguiling Chris. They only bite if you piss them off. That's what happened when I slid a shovel under the spinifex clump that snake was snoozing in. Never knew I was that agile!
27 June 2019, 11:26

If I had no legs & arms + could not see further than one yard and suddenly a towering dude with a shovel shows up around my burrow, I guess I would be a nasty bugger too... 😄
27 June 2019, 14:40

Yes... Yes that belongs here very much!!! LOL Thanks Paul... I love Bob's Burgers 😄
27 June 2019, 19:05

Don, sort of. Both have VERY toxic venom, a bite from a Western Taipan can kill a horse, Eastern and Western Browns are nearly as toxic. But a human can outrun them all! A reactive bite to an unsuspecting but very surprised modeller is the most likely outcome. Despite popular belief outside of Oz, our roads are not paved with the bones of snake bite victims. Most people die after trying to stop a snake from attacking (defending from being attacked) their dog. True!
27 June 2019, 21:18

This is the best thread ever. Where will it go next? Snake story of the day: I was out with my 3 year old today and we heard what we thought was our cat screaming. Turns out it was a large frog being eaten by one of our local Black Racers.
27 June 2019, 22:10

Not to interrupt this very model oriented conversation 😛 😛 buutttt:
I understand preshading, it took a couple times but I got it, did it turn out well?
And now back to "the best thread ever" -Nathan, 2019 😛
I'll never buy male mice for Rocko again... The reasoning? One time he squeezed the mouse, and was swallowing it head first, no problem all natural, fun to watch too... except one time I look over and there's Rocko with mice nuts and tail on his chin as he finishes eating... it was disturbing.
27 June 2019, 22:28

A true gourmet always keeps the best pieces to be eaten last...
Pre-shading looking solid, but will you be adding some generous coats of clear gloss something? The color looks all right for sure, but the finish needs to get more zesty IMHO😉
27 June 2019, 22:39

Orange comes in 17 million shades..... but I have to agree to Slavo, it's a bit dull right now.
27 June 2019, 22:56

Between Chris and Slavo's post I nearly spit my drink out! Dont worry guys he will Future gloss it till it looks like glass.
Like that orange color too.
27 June 2019, 23:02

I'm just happy I picked up a new technique and that it worked! 😄 It'll get lots of Future no worries guys, but that's in the future. I haven't even looked and the instructions and pieces in the box yet, aside from the parts pic I took... I just wanted to really really try this new (to me) technique 😄
And thank you all 😄
27 June 2019, 23:07

LMAO At the mouse nuts. Thats why I dont by male mice/rats for snakes either.
I like the look of it, but the orange seems a bit light. Maybe the pic or lack of gloss coat.
27 June 2019, 23:14

ATTENTION ALL YA'LL 😛 😛 GLOSS COAT WILL HAPPEN FOLKS LOL This is just out of the paint booth. Also the color is light orange, so a little more pastel then deep in color. Ya'll are nuts 😄 Don't change and don't stop 😛 😛
27 June 2019, 23:18

How about adding some yellow paint to lighten it up a bit? LOL Greg told me to say this! LOL
28 June 2019, 00:42

Just an aside Chris. I actually like it matte. When I visited Berlin I saw several high end cars in matte finish and I thought it looked great.
28 June 2019, 00:47

I vote a mixture of Red and Yellow ! We'll call it Rellow ! ! ! Wait ? I'm off duty and had a few beers ! LOL !
28 June 2019, 00:47

LOL!! Can anyone recommend a good chrome color made in acrylic? Right now my goto is Tamiya X-11 Chrome Silver... Any better acrylic based chrome?
28 June 2019, 01:03

There's chrome on this? I use the Molotow liquid chrome 2mm markers, DO NOT get the 1mm!! Shake it up and use it, I also put some on a plastic lid and use a fine brush to apply it. I use it for window trim and small parts, wheel rims, ect. That's my 2 cents worth
28 June 2019, 01:42

The chrome is for the wheels, mirrors, and the usual bits and bobs. There's not a lot, but I think the chrome pieces look cheesy. I Super Clean 'em and have used the X-11 Silver Chrome and Vallejo's Model Air Chrome. I haven't tried Vallejos 30ml metal colors yet, maybe I'll get some of that and try.
28 June 2019, 01:55

Do you know what type of paint the AK Xtreme is? The line of colors is good.
28 June 2019, 02:20

I tried to put a snake comment in, but they just went back to model building...
The AK Extreme is an enamel paint, and a stinky one at that...
28 June 2019, 02:24

I really like acrylics because they dry quick and are super easy to clean. But I will keep the AK Xtreme line of metals in mind.
28 June 2019, 02:29

@Nathan... You know their attention span is non existent 😛 The thread will bounce off the walls again soon 😛
28 June 2019, 02:44

Chris... come to the lacquer side of the force and we will remake the galaxy in chrome and steel!
28 June 2019, 02:55

Do lacquer paints dry as quick? I can spray my vallejo and mask on it 30mins later with no issues, and most of the time I just have to use water to clean out the brush with a few drops of Iwata cleaner at the end to get it really clean. and the paint and cleaners have no odor. What can lacquers bring?
28 June 2019, 03:00

Dries fast, Alclad is great for metallics and doesn't need a top coat (most will dull the shine significantly). No thinning. You either need to vent it well, or wear a mask, or both because it isn't potpourri... But I think it's worth the look. Plus you can do candy coats with clear colors.
28 June 2019, 03:08

Faster drying? Faster cleaning? What about odor of the paint? I also hate the smell of enamel cleaner, is it the same stuff?
28 June 2019, 03:08

My Eclipse lime-green ZeroPaints was a lacquer, and yeah smelly! The Viking truck will be using a smelly enamel, Model Masters French Blue... That'll be a fun smell.
28 June 2019, 03:15

Lacquers smell like unicorn farts, but oh do they work well.
28 June 2019, 03:15

OK ! No more for Nate ! He been painting with the windows nailed shut too long !
28 June 2019, 03:19

How quickly can I start masking and handling lacquers afterward?
28 June 2019, 03:19

Little to no "orange peel" outcome and thin, that's what I like about it.
28 June 2019, 03:25

Isn't that why we're in the hobby? *sniiiiiiiiiifffff* 😛 😛 I'll agree, If I'm hand brushing Vallejos is better.
28 June 2019, 03:39

@Tim, are you a dad? Because that is a horrible dad joke 😛
@Cheer up Greg!!! Here, how about this. Take a look at my stash and choose one you like (no semi's), and a base color (and secondary color if plausible) you like and I'll make it happen as close as I can. This'll be after the Diablo and Volvo FH 16.
29 June 2019, 16:44

Ok GREG 😛 Although you look strangely close to this Martin guy I know... 😛
29 June 2019, 17:03

Black is done 🙂 Question to you all... How do you store pieces that are "done" until it's time to build? I've been putting them in a box, but I've noticed that paint is chipping off from the pieces shuffling around in the box.
29 June 2019, 21:09

On a "Do Not Touch Shelf" High enough away from my wife's cats !
But the Box will work, just put a cloth or piece of paper on top of the as to layer the pieces.
29 June 2019, 21:14

I see, that you put the Chrome of the engine. I did this too. I got the Revell Diablo which is basically the same kit.
Quite interesting: mine is orange too 🙂
With your painted parts: I put them back into the box. Laying paper towels under them and pay attention to nog to lay something over them. On my point of view, after three days it doesn't matter anymore. The paint is dry and resisted enough.
I think I'll make a new album the days of my Diablo.
29 June 2019, 21:23

Thanks for that simple enough solution guys 😄 and yes we always love more pictures 🙂 AND YAY FOR ORANGE! 😛
29 June 2019, 21:30

Wow! We have just unequivocally identified that we have TWO Scalemates with poor taste. Thank the Great Pumpkin that neither can afford to put a 1/1 in their own garage!
29 June 2019, 22:19

I get the idea some here REALLY believe a Lambo should be yellow
29 June 2019, 22:29

The Netherlands women's football/soccer team plays Sweden next week: Orange over yellow for sure! 👍
29 June 2019, 23:26

At the end you'll see, that it looks great in orange 😄 What's your idea for the rims?
Maybe you saw my blue F40😉 It sits near to a brown metallic 348 and a pink 360 :*. I'm a guy who says: a Ferrari doesn't have to be red.
I got this Diablo at s present on our yearly Christmas meeting. The main rule is: build it to next Christmas. We have a topic too. On this it was free. Stock. I never would have built this kit if I hadn't got it as a present with the task to build it year by year. The 348 came this way into my shelf too. The topic was "brown" :/ To get an idea: each participant brings a wrapped kit to the Christmas party. They go into a big bag. Then each one gets a package. Before we unwrap it, we discuss about the topic. Then we see what we get. When I got my Diablo I threw the same into the bag 🙂. Fine. Throwback... Another participant brang the same kit along. That was 2017. In 2018 the same: two Corvette C5R in the bag. Good: I wanted to build the C5R anyway.
I need to upload more picture ...
After all and a lot of off-topic: yes, I like orange. Had a 57 Beetle black with the sides orange. It looked amazing.
29 June 2019, 23:32

Funny ! This Lambo never came Factory in Orange.
30 June 2019, 01:15

Here is my wafer thin argument for that..... Don't care! 😛 The box model is oooorrraaannnge
30 June 2019, 01:39

By All Means ! Paint what you like ! I'm just laughing at all the "it should be" debate, Just thought it was funny that Lamborghini never offered this car in Orange.
30 June 2019, 01:51

That is a must, not an if! 😄 😄 And you have to call it the Nyanborghini Purracan 😄
30 June 2019, 02:33

We are all plastic artists and we can do what we want! Why not, How's that! LOL!
30 June 2019, 02:40

Lambo's aren't orange... it needs to be a yellow Nyanborghini 😛
30 June 2019, 02:47

Don't let the colour goofballs get to you Chris, it's your build and you pick the colour. It looks good in Orange.
Yellow would have been better of course......
30 June 2019, 08:24

Like i promised: I did a new album for my orange Diablo 😄 Wichtel 2017 - 2001 Lamborghini Diablo VT | Album by christian-w (1:24)
30 June 2019, 16:19

I like your ORANGE Diablo Christian! and I won't Martin! That's why I striped and painted it green with pink highlights... HA joking.
30 June 2019, 16:41

Geeze Chris, you nearly had me there! Anyone who would paint a Lamborghini orange could also do green with pink highlights!
30 June 2019, 21:15

Chris, I'm curious about your work space. The styrene looks like a great idea for not losing parts, tools and those little painted pieces. Or is it just for pictures ?
1 July 2019, 00:01

The styrene is generally only where I keep just painted pieces to dry, Then when they are dry they go in the bin. Pieces are moving on and off the board too much to also keep done pieces there as well. The board'll hold around 120 pieces, so if it's a small kit, the pieces tend to stay longer.
Also the T.V. tray that the board sits on is used for my other hobbies as well, so the board isn't always there... So If I had a dedicated large space with a cover, I'd love to have a bamboo forest of pieces, but alas my tiny living space doesn't allow.
1 July 2019, 00:17

Question for you all: Do you typically sand every piece for painting, or just exterior pieces since they are more important?
1 July 2019, 02:17

For me only if I need to remove molding lines and stuff. But for painting only purposes it depends what I'm trying to achieve.
1 July 2019, 02:46

I only sand the Body (thoses lines of the mold) and the part, where the part was at the sprue. Nothing else.
1 July 2019, 04:32

Orange is done. It the cup in the lower right are pieces to be chrome or aluminum, then I should be done with painting, so then clear and build after that.
1 July 2019, 21:37

Here's the interior I have to do a bit of touch ups where the colors meet...
1 July 2019, 23:20

I'd need some kind of crane to get up again. Is that an option? Either that or I'd have to roll out, which kinda kills the cool factor of driving a Lamborghini.
2 July 2019, 01:38

The seats were too plain... A quick brush with Future, then I used the black accent line.
2 July 2019, 01:53

All the metal colors are done, so theoretically painting is done unless I missed a secondary color somewhere. Tomorrow is clear and build 🙂
2 July 2019, 03:17

The proud in-scale Lambo-owner knows how to keep his leather clean & shiny!😉 Or the air-con just really badly gave up on him in the middle of this heat-wave we are just having... 😄
Looking good, progress through the full spectrum 👍 - I was always a secret fan of the Orange faction, just thought my scalemates influencer-tonnage is not yet on par to spread my wisdom in such a formidable thread as this one...
2 July 2019, 09:49

Cool. You know. I didn't do the black lines on my seats. Maybe because of the danger to a misstake or uncorrect painting. So: to spoil it.
2 July 2019, 10:43

That's why I used Future and Tamiya panel line for the black... The enamel black cleaned right up with enamel thinner... If I had done this with regular paint, it probably would have turned into a mess too...
2 July 2019, 17:28

Chris, is that a polish that you thin and spray thru your airbrush with colour?
2 July 2019, 18:33

The metal colors are X-11 Chrome Silver, XF-16 Flat aluminum, and Vallejos Natural Steel. unless I'm misreading the question.
2 July 2019, 19:46

and f you're talking about the chairs: I sprayed them orange, then I used a brush to quickly brush on some Future on the chairs, then I used Tamiya Black Accent Panel Line to fill the lines, then after dry simple enamel thinner cleaned up the excess liner without affecting the acrylic paint underneath.
2 July 2019, 19:51

That's one coat of clear... drying, then decals, then 2 more coats and attempt to polish it.
2 July 2019, 19:57

Question for you all: I'm doing my pre-work for the red Volvo FH-16 Semi, is there a good resource place for reference pictures? Yes I know there's google, but I'm looking for engine pics colors and I don't want another engine that's all one color because I know they aren't. Thanks ya'll.
3 July 2019, 01:29
3 July 2019, 01:47

Mostly done 😄 Just need to put in the clear pieces, then put the wheels, chassis and body together. Then I'll be done.
3 July 2019, 05:49

Nice work, but the engine looks a bit dull now... not that the real engine is bristling with colors, but exhausts (inox) have a different sheen then the body (auminium) etc..
3 July 2019, 06:31

Excellent - the orange body looks great and the orange rims reflect the taste of Diablo owners far & wide... 👍
I hate to be "that person", but with you mentioning this being done, I must ask if there is not something missing in the front bumper & splitter... I know that using turn signals on a Diablo probably leads nowhere and driving it in the damp fog is even less productive, but still...
3 July 2019, 19:57

How do you guys think the panel lines came out? I think they looks sharp but not blaring out HERE'S A BLACK LINE.
3 July 2019, 21:32

The panel lines looking very good. I watched the picture and didn't notice it. When I read your lines, I scrolled up again to take a look. Well done!
I have to say that the orange rims looking good too. The Diablo came out very good. I like it.
3 July 2019, 21:38

Another great build Chris. Man, you are FAST. Like a model building lambo.
3 July 2019, 21:53

Looks great. Not to in your face with the black lines at all. As others have said very fast. Omg I'm slow haha
3 July 2019, 22:28

Looking at the close ups of your paint job and I have to ask why it looks like 'orange peel'. ? The overall coverage is good, but the surface finish looks a bit sus.
3 July 2019, 22:59

LOL! Greg! And to everyone who's anyone.... **I build for fun foremost**... if errors occur, I do my best to fix them but if I can't oh well, whoopdy-do, I'm not going to let it get me mad (much) and I'm going to move on with the build and not look back because I build for fun, not to split hairs.
3 July 2019, 23:15

My skill are totally progressing and I love to see your comments... but I'm not trying to really PUSH myself in the hobby... I'm having fun where I'm at and have always loved my cars even with all their imperfections. 🙂 I do pickup more skills but it's at a natural pace...
3 July 2019, 23:19

Great job Chris! 👍 As said before, the panel lines look awesome! Noticeably in there but not in your face and really sharp up close. I have to go with Slavo though that I'm missing the fog lights and blinkers up front.
4 July 2019, 00:11

Maybe I'll get in there with a little silver paint and fix that up
4 July 2019, 00:24

Chris, I love your attitude. Sure we shoot for perfection. But we do this for fun. I am with you. I do as well as my skills will let me.
4 July 2019, 06:38

I surely am very happy to come here and see what you and the rest of the "Car gang" have put up every day! Keep up the good work - what about a Landshark Porsche at some point..? I'd love to see that built, if a good kit even exists...
4 July 2019, 07:09

Hey Chris, If you did paint it yellow, would they still call it orange peel??? LOL! Good work mate!
4 July 2019, 12:55

That would be obvious Tim: Lemon Peel!
Very nice work Chris. Just keep evolving naturally, everything becomes easier after a mistake or two….call it learning 👍
4 July 2019, 14:33

Learning sounds too serious... I'm still going to call it having fun 😄 😛
4 July 2019, 17:58

Really Monky, look at what you've done with all your knowledge? Tell me that science and math haven't helped your mechanical skills! Sitting in a class and learning isn't as much fun as taking what you learned and applying it!
4 July 2019, 20:30

I never could read the compression printout or calculate anything from it 😄 But I was the only one in class to get that old 2 stroke diesel running well.
It takes time and reflection to learn that school could be fun as well, depending on the school. Middle school was 🙁 Ships officer/engineer school was 🙂. And it beats working xx hours a week.
4 July 2019, 20:43

I was bored shitless at school Tim, it was just a social club to me. I learnt all my engineering related disciplines from a motor vehicle apprenticeship & college.
4 July 2019, 20:47

For what it's worth. It seems that my comment about the paint work being a bit sus has struck a collective nerve. But my input stems from the fact that in seeing what else had been done in your build in the lead up to the finish and, the comparison with the work done in the detailing of the car and all the effort applied to that aspect, the finish of the main body seemed to lack the attention to detail all other components the build received, and my comment was in no way a derogatory one, and I was wondering why. Simple really. Cheers. 🙂
4 July 2019, 21:19

Am I missing something? I didn't see Kerry's comment as derogatory at all, I just thought he was offering constructive criticism & advice.
4 July 2019, 21:31

And I didn't see that either Chris, you build for fun, the best reason to be in the hobby, your winning mate 😉
4 July 2019, 22:01

I am deeply sorry if I have offended any one of my extended family, as I have only offered my observations in the hope that it would raise the awareness of what is seen by others. I am the first to ask all of you that if you see something I need to be aware of, tell me, no matter what. I need to know. 👍
4 July 2019, 22:04

So, in the interest of learning, school aside, how would folks address that issue? Clearly the build was at a stage where stripping it down and doing over would not be an option. Perhaps sanding it with 8000 and up micro mesh and a heavy brush coat of Future? I say brush coat because it does level nicely and that way you can get a good heavy coat on to level out anything the sanding doesnt get.
4 July 2019, 22:24

I'm with Don. Thank you for showing the error, but how would I fix it?
4 July 2019, 22:33

It's not a matter of a 'fix' once the deed is done. It is a matter of preparing for the event and working out through trial and error with small samples to determine whether the finish is the one you desire or the one you are content with.
4 July 2019, 22:44

I think I completely missed everything on that comment. I thought Kerry was making a joke about the orange color not an actual comment about the finish. Guess it's good to be daft most if time...
4 July 2019, 22:58

Charlie Mike People ! all is Oscar Kelo ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 July 2019, 22:59

You know you are going to have to do one in yellow to calm Gregs nerves, right? LOL
5 July 2019, 00:21

Do one in Peach and then we can all say things are................................................👍 🙂
5 July 2019, 02:39

Next project: Project 044 -- Volvo FH 16 Globetrotter XL | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)
6 July 2019, 19:16

I'll do the Lamborghini LP500S I have in my stash yellow ok 😛
8 July 2019, 01:34