F-2 eggplaneПереглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список 1February 28, 2020painted with MR Paint cleared with MRP-126 2February 17, 2020Radome was textured with mr.surface 500 3February 17, 2020 4February 25, 2020 5February 25, 2020Hasegawa decals are not fun 🙁 6February 26, 2020Getting close I need to touch up the radome with another coat of Mr Surfacer 7February 28, 2020 8February 28, 2020 9February 28, 2020 10February 28, 2020Calling this one done, will clear the missiles when my Mirage 2000 is finished Коментарі8 February 2025, 08:06 - Album infoF-2 eggplane for nusma SD group build Hasegawa 60137 TH27Усі альбомиПереглянути всі альбоми »