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John Hughes (Gojira)

Hobbyboss BA-20 Armored Car Model 1939

Album image #1
Progress so far: The engine block build and chassis build are done up to the point of priming and painting. 

Album image #2
Top view of the chassis. As you can see, there are lots of long thin bits of plastic for me to break. 

Album image #3
Bottom view of the chassis. Those long linkages that run along the outside of the frame are one piece each side. Getting them off the sprue intact was like defusing a bomb! 

Album image #4
The engine block. As most of the weight is on one side, it took a while to get it to stand up for a photo. 

Album image #5
As usual for Hobbyboss, there is little in the way of information for painting. However, there's not much info on the web for the BA-20 either. I did manage to find a couple of videos on Youtube where someone poked his selfie stick inside the vehicle. I think that's the best I'm going to get. 

Album image #6
I decided to have a test fit of the top & bottom of the bodywork. Either I've got a tab I don't need or I'm missing a slot that I do need! The top doesn't fit low enough as can be seen. 

Album image #7
I think that tab has to go. As ever, there is no view of this part of the kit in the instructions. 

Album image #8
Yes, that's better. The tab is the remains of the casting gate and needs to be removed. 

Album image #9
The interior bulkhead had a few ejector pin marks to be filled. Unusual for this kit. 

Album image #10
I've done a quick test fit of the engine on the chassis. It isn't sitting back far enough at the moment as I've got a bit of tape masking the attachment point. 

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Close up of the engine. I still have to shade and weather it. 

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Front end. Needless to say, as I painted the engine, I managed to knock a couple of bits off. 

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The basic engine colour is Humbrol Metalcote Polished Steel. I don't think they make it any more. 

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The exhaust manifold was done with Vallejo Acrylic Butnt Iron followed by a coat of Humbrol Rust Wash which was then mostly removed with thinners. It's come out okay, I think. 

Album image #15
I put a few pieces of masking tape in the chassis where it will mate up to the floor pan. 

Album image #16
Floor pan, interior bulkhead and body test fit. As you can see, once the side covers are fitted on the front, the engine will be hidden. There is not an open cover option in the kit. 

Album image #17
A very rough chassis & floor pan test fit. The tape prevents proper seating at this stage, but I wanted to see how the engine looked in place. I have not so far been able to discover what colour the interior of the body should be in the engine compartment. White, black or 4BO green? Anyone know? 

Album image #18
Some might ask why I'm expending the effort on an engine that won't be visible later. Practice, that's why! It's an opportunity to try options with little drawback if it doesn't work out. 

Album image #19
It has occurred to me that I could just leave the body and floor pan unglued so that the body can be removed to show the engine & interior. You can see the nice property of the steel paint here. It sprays on dull & then you polish it to a shine as much as you want. This allows you to have some variation in the finish, polishing highlights & edges a bit more than the flat surfaces. 

Album image #20
I've removed the tape from the chassis and tested the fit of the major components: chassis, engine, floor pan & body. It all seems to go together okay. 

Album image #21
The inside is looking a bit spartan at the moment, but I'm sure it will improve with a bit of furniture in there. 

Album image #22
Here's the engine, as seen through the side cover opening. I've given it a coat of engine grime, but not too heavy. 

Album image #23
And this is the other side. I've found that the oil filler tube is very vulnerable to getting knocked off as it is only the flat end of the cylinder stuck to the flat spot on the engine that is the contact point. Not much area for the glue to hold on to! That, plus the fact that when you pick up the engine, you often are pressing one finger against the tube. 

Album image #24
The underside is not looking too bad. Now that I've done this test, I can see wehere the contact points between the chassis and the floor pan are with much more clarity. There are more than I thought! 

Album image #25
One thing that needs doing is to drill out the end of the exhaust pipe. It's 1.5mm diameter, so starting with a 0.7mm drill and working up will soon do the job. This will be followed bt a coat of Burnt Iron. 

Album image #26
The rear of the radiator has a good selection of ejector pin marks, as did the top of the radiator mount. Sanding took care of the mount, but the radiator is getting a piece of plasticard inserted as two EP marks are sunken & two are raised. There really should be a textured insert for the back of the radiator. It looks like the designers simply forgot to do a part for it. 

Album image #27
The instrument panel has come out better than I expected. Getting those tiny decals into the holes was fun. I basically had to float them on a layer of Microsol and let that evaporate and lower them in to place. 

Album image #28
Radiator back fitted and dry assembled to test fit. It all seems to go together okay. 

Album image #29
I still haven't worked out where the thin pipe goes to. It should connect to something, surely? 

Album image #30
Having added a few exterior parts and built the radiator assembly, I had another test fit. Can you see the problem here? 

Album image #31
It's these towing hooks. Now that they've been added, the upper body doesn't slide down into place as it should. 

Album image #32
The hooks should fit below the horizontal strip sticking out of the front fender, (and poke out of the semi-circular gap). The instructions tell you to fit the hooks before assembling top and bottom body sections. I'd recommend leaving them off until later. I'm not sure how easily I'm going to be able to get this to snap into place. (I don't like the word snap in this context either!). I was going to paint the body halves before assembly, but I'd take the paint off the hooks now. 

Album image #33
There's a decent view if the radiator if you leave the front flaps open, which I intend to do. I would also recommend leaving the towing hooks off until the radiator flaps are fitted as the flaps fit to the hinge points and a third part which fits into the brackets mounted in front of the radiator. The flaps are nowhere near as good a fit as the doors. If anything, the seem fractionally too large. This has helped my decision to have them open. 

Album image #34
Dry fitted side door. The side doors and engine compartment doors all fit nicely in place without any glue. However, a few microns of paint will soon ruin that! I intend to leave at least one of each door type open so that you can see the interior and engine. You can even dry fit the doors in the open position, but again the paint coat will stop that nonsense! 

Album image #35
These are the forward vision ports with working hinges. You will never know how much difficulty I had assembling these! The hinge ends are located on the plate by two tiny bumps on the strip and two holes on the plate, at least in theory. The bumps are much smaller than the holes, so it's a very imprecise fit. Additionally, I found it next to impossible to hold both parts at once in such a way that I could see the mating faces at the right angle to fit them. I had several attempts at a couple on them, by which time the cement had dissolved the bumps to nothing anyway. Fitting the second strip whilst holding the central part of the hinge in position was worse still. Four hands would have helped. By some miracle, the hinges actually function properly. More luck than anything else! 

Album image #36
A dry fit of the interior parts, except the steering wheel which doesn't want to stay in place without cement. Basic paintwork is done. The next step will be to mask off the interior and get the 4BO green on the rest of it. 

Album image #37
There's not actually a lot in there, so weathering will be key in making it look interesting. Having separate pedals would have improved the look a lot. 

Album image #38
Work in progress on the muffler. I think an overall rust wash to even out the effect should do it. I'm not very satisfied with the result so far, but if all else fails I can strip it & have another go. 

Album image #39
Much better! Now fixed in it's proper place. 

Album image #40
After a busy weekend, every single part is either painted or primed (the shovels). Here's the main parts of the body in AK Real Colours 4BO green followed by a coat of AK Glosss varnish. Just to be awkward, when I picked up the lower part, the fuel tank assembly fell off. 

Album image #41
I'll remove the masking tape later and leave it all overnight to dry. 

Album image #42
Next step will be to wash the interior with a bit of dirt and general muck. 

Album image #43
Then I'll get on to assembling the interior parts. I had to redo the doors as the tack i used to hold them in place got a bit tangled up with the gloss coat and had to be scraped off with a scalpel!
Thanks to this weekends storm, having the spray booth hose stuck out of a window has resulted in a soaking wet window ledge when the wind blew the window wide open when I'd gone to eat. Might be a bit of clean up needed there too. 

Album image #44
Initial shading is done on the green bits. 

Album image #45
It looks a bit odd at the moment, but it will improve as it all progresses (I hope!). 

Album image #46
Still a few tide marks here & there. I find it takes a few goes to lose them all. I seem to have gained a scratch on the door on the right. I'll just incorporate that into the weathering later on. Might as well make these things work for me than fight them! 

Album image #47
Coming along nicely. The trick is to get the dirt in the right places. Some black got under the masking tape when I did the running boards, but that's easily fixed. 

Album image #48
Next stop, interior chipping, then a bit of dust & dirt. I had to loosen the joint of the dashboard and bulkhead to realign them as the top edges weren't parallel. 

Album image #49
Success! I managed to fit the floor pan and body together properly. I just had to splay the front fenders apart slightly to slide the towing hooks past the blockage. 

Album image #50
It's starting to look like an armoured car now. 

Album image #51
A test fit of the interior to see how it looks so far. 

Album image #52
Dirt: Check, chipping: check. Next, some streaking marks and a little detailing of the seat covers, if possible. The drivers feet will wear the paint just in front of the pedals, but not on the bulkhead beyond. The passenger could put his feet anywhere; floor, bulkhead, dashboard. 

Album image #53
The chassis is now fitted to the floor pan and the radiator added too. The wheels are dry fitted. 

Album image #54
I've noticed that the engine is a little tilted to one side, but there's no helping that now. The next stage is to complete assembly of the exhaust system which includes two PE straps that need bending into shape. Wish me luck! 

Album image #55
An overall view of the underside now that all the parts are in place. Next steps here are shading, chipping and planty of dirt. A good dose of pigment will hide the ejector pin marks. Not that they'll be seen there anyway. 

Album image #56
I'm quite pleased with the way the exhaust has turned out. The two straps on the tail section of it are PE brass and were a bit of a trial. However, I'm not too bothered by the fact that they are not quite bent to the right shape. I've seen the undersides of enough cars to know these things don't stay the same shape for long! 

Album image #57
The seat bases are in place too. The lighter shading around the edges was done with a watercolour pencil. Hobbyboss really have done half a job on the interior of this kit. The pedals could have done with being separate parts. There is a machine gun in the turret, but not a single round of ammo in the kit!. I've seen a photo taken through the front viewports in which you can clearly see ammo drums on a rack in the back of the shot. 

Album image #58
Headlights done with Molotow Chrome Ink. Those two tiny bare plastic rectangles right at the front are where the front bumper attaches. I'll be doing that last and hopefully only once! Come on Hobby Boss, there must be a better way. 

Album image #59
Same for the tail light. I'll give this a second coat tomorrow as I've not quite got to the edge. The stuff is so reflective that you can't see what you're doing for the glare! You can also see where I've had to repair the rear suspension. It had broken on both sides and there was some damage to the steerng up front. No idea how it happened. 

Album image #60
Two shovels, which wil be all but invisible behind the running board storage boxes. 

Album image #61
The interior is almost finished. I've only got to fix the bulkhead in place. 

Album image #62
The seat backs prpbably won't be visible once it's sealed up. 

Album image #63
The big empty space at the rear is where the MG ammo should be it the kit had any! 

Album image #64
The seats don't look too bad for a first attempt. 

Album image #65
If I was doing it again, I would not stick the dashboard to the bulkhead, but would glue it directly into the upper body. That way, any mismatch would be between the bottom of the dash and the bulkhead, making it almost invisible. At the moment, it is possible there will be a gap between the top edge of the dash and the upper body. Too late to fix that now! 

Album image #66
I'm well on the way building the turret too, but there's not really much to it. 

Album image #67
Top and bottom parts are now stuck together. The wheels are still dry fittted. 

Album image #68
Just look at the mismatch between the dashboard and hull! Not sure it that can be corrected at this stage. As I expected, you can't see a whole lot of the interior... 

Album image #69
...or the engine. Whilst squeezing the top part to get it into place properly, it snapped back and broke off the headlight. I'd recommend not fitting them until after the hull top & bottom are assembled. I also spent a good 10 minutes under the desk with a torch trying to find the headlamp. Twice. It's been one of those sessions. 

Album image #70
Be careful when fitting the top or you just might break off those fragile front flap actuators. You have to slide them through the openings as the first step of positioning the top. 

Album image #71
You could almost believe it's a BA-20 if you squint a bit. 

Album image #72
Time to do a bit more shading, chipping and generally adding a bit of dirt. 

Album image #73
Shading & chipping done. 

Album image #74
Looks like it's seen a bit of use now. 

Album image #75
I've gone fairly light on the chipping... 

Album image #76
...because this is a reconnaissance vehicle which should be avoiding combat! 

Album image #77
One turret, not yet shaded or chipped, etc. 

Album image #78
The underside with the base coat of dirt added 

Album image #79
Every day it's inching closer to the finish line. 

Album image #80
Turret & wheel test fit. 

Album image #81
Next step is to fit the radiator cover flaps. 

Album image #82
After that, I'll finish the underside weathering with a bit of pigment. 

Album image #83
Lots of dirt, either from fording streams or wallowing in the mud! 

Album image #84
The radiator flaps are fitted. They're a bit fiddly as they have three points of attachement: two hinges and the end of the actuator. Use a slow setting cement on the hinges forst, then adjust the angle of the flap to meet up with the actuator. Let that set, then attach the actuator to the door. I reinforced each joint with some thin CA later on. It all seems pretty solid now. 

Album image #85
I did manage to adjust the dashboard to close the gap. I'll try and feed a drop or two of CA in there to hold it in place. 

Album image #86
With a little careful pruning of the paint, I found I could dry fit the engine covers on both sides. There's not a great view of the engine though. 

Album image #87
Here you can just see one of the radiator flap actuators attached to the inside of the flap.  

Album image #88
It's getting very close to done now. 

Album image #89
I've still got to finish dirtying the wheels on the treads. 

Album image #90
I noticed I'd forgotten to do any chipping on the front bumper, but that's easily remedied. 

Album image #91
The headlight lenses are still to be fitted. 

Album image #92
Then it will get a final few dings & scratches, probably with a pencil. 

Album image #93
Finally, there will be a coat of matt varnish to seal it all. 

Album image #94
Wheel work completed as per AK Interactive Learning Series Vol.3 Tracks & Wheels. 

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Dirt road weathering. 

Album image #96
Finally finished! 

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Here's a few shots in natural dayllight. 

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Album image #119


5 October 2024, 04:48 -

Project info

119 зображення
1:35 BA-20 Armored Car (HobbyBoss 83883)1:35 Red Army Drivers (MiniArt 35144)
BA-20 Armored Car Model 1939
SU Красная армия (Soviet Red Army 1918-1946)
4BO Green

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