MyAlbumHonda RC166
August 28, 2022Box art2
August 28, 2022After you cut away all the flash and spru parts your left with these components i have stripped of the origional plating3
August 28, 2022Partial assembly these all fit very well indeed4
August 28, 2022Glued and clamped5
August 28, 2022Final result before painting (its ordered and coming from spain)6
August 28, 2022Frame and fairing support it looks quite flimsy but will see how it stands up to the build7
August 28, 2022Engine cylinder is made up of individule parts and these go together very well8
August 28, 2022Bottom of cylinder9
August 28, 2022Carbs again went together well. Clips were a joy to paint!!10
August 28, 2022Carbs with detail up bell mouths fitted these are a nice touch.11
August 28, 2022Cylinderhead and top of gearbox12
August 28, 2022Engine almost complete just the plugs to fit detail up clutch also in the kit looks great as well13
August 28, 202214
August 28, 2022Frame now freshly painted with rubber mounts for the seat and tank fitted along with 3 coils for the big 6 cylinder engine15
August 28, 2022Frame16
August 28, 2022Frame and engine17
August 28, 2022Were im at18
August 28, 2022Unfortunately i mistakenly painted the engine the wrong colour!! There is a mistake in the assembly instructions and to be fair a rectification note in the packaging despite crossing out the error i still managed to mix the paint wrong!! ??19
September 3, 2022So after the paint issue i stripped it all and repainted the right colours ?20
September 3, 2022Now back on track with the build engine swinging arm and rear wheel assembled and in the frame ?21
September 3, 2022Rear end22
September 3, 2022Rh side23
September 3, 2022Lots of tubing24
September 3, 2022Exhaust and fork stantions in the booth25
September 3, 2022Top tubes are DP’s and look very nice in deed26
September 3, 2022However fitting the cir-clip is challenging & @ about 2mm in diameter very hard to find when it pings off ??27
September 8, 202228
September 8, 2022forks and exhaust fitted (forks are temporary they need to come off to put the fairing on)29
September 8, 2022Steering damper30
September 8, 2022Oil filled pipe work used clear yellow for it took a bit of sucking!!!31
September 10, 2022Tank and seat painted32
September 10, 2022Fairing and mud gaurd painted33
September 10, 2022Few other bits almost there with this build34
September 18, 2022Fairing fitted last couple of decals to fit35
September 18, 202236
September 18, 202237
September 18, 202238
September 18, 202239
September 18, 2022In fills panels in place40
September 18, 202241
September 18, 2022Magnets in place for the in fill panels on the fairing42
September 18, 202243
September 18, 2022Ready for final assembly44
September 21, 2022Front end and faing infinal possition45
September 21, 2022In the cabinet46
September 21, 2022All done just the 16 to add on the front once the white panel settles down47
September 21, 2022Good kit a bit fiddly with fat fingers bit looks nice once completed
December 26, 2022Managed to get a mike Hailwood figurine49
December 26, 2022No decals in the kit and luckily only the one is on the helmet so i made one50
December 26, 2022Together51
December 26, 2022In position waiting for the start52
December 26, 2022Ready steady go…..53
December 26, 2022Cabinet picture
13 March 2025, 20:47 -
Album info
Had this in my stash for a while and decided to give it a whirl so far its been great to build even the wheels have been fun to put together over 12 parts in each wheel frame engine just about completed