IAI Kfir C2/C7AvantGarde Model Kits | 货号: 86002 | 1:72项目27 图片Ein Harod Kfir1:72Можно сравнить с оригинальной фотографией )))项目: KFIR C211 图片Done1:72项目: Kfir c71+17 图片Delta Beauty1:72Built OOB. only mod i made is the fins on the centerline fuel tank - just 2 strips of plasticard shaped accordingly. i ...项目: ATAC Kfir C227 图片Kfir Israel C-7 with GBU-121:72项目: Kfir C-73+11 图片IAI Kfir C7 Ecuador1:72项目: SOLD - IAI KFIR C7 Ecuador- AMK 1:7211 图片Kfir C21:72项目: AMK C2 Kfir38 图片IAI KFIR C7 Completed1:72项目: IAI KFIR C2/C74 图片IAI Kfir C7 111 Sqd FAC-30431:72项目: IAI Kfir C212 图片IAI Kfir C71:72项目: IAI Kfir C735 图片Kfir C-2 AMK1:72项目: Kfir C-2 ATAC1+25 图片Kfir C71:72项目: Kfir C753 图片Kfir1:72Paint job is not perfect (as expected) but should form a decent base after some touch ups.项目: Kfir3+8 图片Kfir 1:72项目: IAI KFIR C2/C7