Lamborghini Aventador 50° Anniversario
19 22 September 2024, 11:03

Nice build. Doors glued shut? MIne don't sit right, I wish I'd glued them when I built mine.
22 September 2024, 11:08

Yes Rod, all doors and hoods are glued in place. I needed a lot of time to finish it. i have real problem with "modern" cars, grew up with mpc and amt. Those kind of kits are not really my world.
Thank you very much Martin 🙂
23 September 2024, 05:49

Looks very nice, love the colour. I think glueing the doors either shut or open is the best idea with those Aoshima kits.
23 September 2024, 12:22

totally agrred George.
I have the Fujimi Countach build with functional doors...parked in the showcase with open doors...and never "played" with them around.
24 September 2024, 14:46