Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf. L
2 6 October 2013, 15:35

Hi Mates, here is a little update. I start painting my Panzer III L.
12 October 2013, 14:28

Really a very fine work, Stefan. Hardly to believe that the Pz III is in scale 1:72. 👍
12 October 2013, 14:31

Thanx mates, here is the next little up-date. Next i can start the washing of the Panzer III.
20 October 2013, 20:20

Hi Mates, the washing is done. This time I made a few detail pictures 🙂
10 November 2013, 16:11

Hi, thank you very much for all the nice words 🙂. Here is the next up-date of my work. So i can start with the tracks.
16 November 2013, 17:05

Nice progress Stefan. Just looking forward for the finished one. Cheers, Christian
16 November 2013, 18:12

danke Chris, habe gerade die Ketten geklebt und werde sie jetzt in den nächsten Tagen lackiern.
17 November 2013, 08:35

Thanx mates, for your kind comments. Here are the last pics of the completed model.
23 November 2013, 14:28

Hello Stefan, only when i saw the Vallejo paints i realise that was in 1/72!!! Really good! Congratulations
23 November 2013, 14:42

Pic no.44 Looks perfect! As the real Thing! Stunning work!
23 November 2013, 18:31

Du nimmst mir die Worte aus dem Mund Frank. Kein Wunder, der steht ja offen beim Betrachten dieses Panzer III.
Awesome Panzer III. Luckily for us mere mortals I spotted a mistake- the fire extinguishers were never red 😄
23 November 2013, 19:40

What a beauty Stefan, you should be very happy with the finish. Love the dirt on the hull, looks really great. I hope to build mine one day as good as yours. HK.... your comment the fire extinguisher is not red, what colour should it be? Second the fire extinguisher stored in the crew compartment, what colour should it be?
23 November 2013, 20:20

Hi Bill,
this thread should answer most of the German vehicle fire extinguisher questions:
23 November 2013, 20:44

Thanks Frank for your guidance. Armour is not my specialty, although I am enjoying what I have done so far. Gee there are some excellent military moders out there, so much to learn from. Thanks again Frank.
23 November 2013, 20:54

You're welcome, Bill!
To be honest, despite I knew, that red for German WWII vehicle fire extinguishers is wrong, I did it for a Sd.Kfz.223, just to give it a different touch. Historical not correct, but it looked so good...😉
23 November 2013, 20:59

Hi, thank you very much for all the nice words.
@ H K, in know the discussion about red extinguisher since i build tanks. Yes, it is is historically not correct, but it is a easy way to get more colour in the model 🙂
@ Chris, bis Mittwoch.
24 November 2013, 22:55

Excellent build. It's been a long time since I've built an AFV in 1/72.
3 January 2014, 16:35

Thanks for bringing this back on top. It`s every time unbelievable that this is 1/72.
3 January 2014, 18:26

Thanx mates, here are more pics: modellversium.de/gal..I-ausf-l-dragon.html
4 January 2014, 09:30

Hi mates, I decided to build a little display for the Panzer III. First I use copper wire make a Tree.
22 January 2014, 19:54

Thanx mates, here are two new pictures of the display. The Russian house is from Dio72 and painted with oil paints.
@Chris: Sehen wir uns Mittwoch?
25 January 2014, 00:18

Plane da zu sein. Schönes WE😢 P.S. Nice setting on the display!
25 January 2014, 07:48

Stefan the Panzer looks fantastic so is the diorama base looking forward to seeing the finished scene.
27 January 2014, 05:01

Thanx Bill, here is the next little step. I finished the paintwork of the russian house and start the work on the base. Cheers, Stefan
4 February 2014, 22:25

Hi Mates, today i apply some wild grass. Next I will set some plants on the
meadow. Cheers, Stefan
5 February 2014, 23:44

Hi mates, now i start with some figures for the diorama. I use the german regular infantry from Zvezda. This is my first attempt to paint figures with oil paints 🙂
23 March 2014, 19:21

Hallo Stefan! Sehr schön bemalte Figuren im kleinen Maßstab. Hast Du gut gemacht 🙂
23 March 2014, 19:53