1 21 April 2014, 21:39

thank you mates for the nice words. now i can start painting the model. I have no problems so far with this kit. Only the tow cables are replaced by this one: modellversium.de/tipps/1-werkzeuge/8049-.html
1 May 2014, 19:38

Hi Mates, here are a few pic of the next steps. This is my first attempt with oil-paints on a 1:35 tank. Cheers Stefan
11 May 2014, 21:19

Do you made a mistake in scale, cause it is not 1/72😉 Nice and clean as usual! Cheers, Christian
12 May 2014, 17:08

Hi William, thx for the kind words, here is a little up-date. Today I finished the washing of the turret.
@Chris, 😮 this explains the huge parts 🙂
14 May 2014, 22:54

Seems, you're feeling well also in the bigger scale, Stefan. Looks good already!
15 May 2014, 07:50

YAY the most enjoyable part (for me), fun with the oil paints. The patchy paintjob on top of the turret especially is looking great so far! 👍
15 May 2014, 10:23

Hi mates, here is a little up-date. I finished the washing of the hull and start the work on the tracks. Murad, to work withoil paints is fun for me too 🙂
25 May 2014, 21:53

Looks great. What method do you use for oil paints? You just dot them on and thin them or?
25 May 2014, 22:34

Die abwechslungsreiche Alterung gefällt mir sehr gut. Top Job bisher - aber da kann ja nicht mehr viel schief gehen.
27 May 2014, 21:13

Sehr schön geworden! Die Alterung gefällt mir besonders, nicht zu übertrieben.
4 December 2014, 18:47

Hi mates, i start to build a little base for the KV-1. I use the RUINED FACTORY from MiniArt and make a wooden frame, Cheers Stefan
8 January 2015, 23:25

Nice one, I like it! And the MiniArt house looks awsome, I need to consider to buy some of those as well.
9 January 2015, 02:08

Thx Mates for your very kind comments. @Matthias, i like the MiniArt buildings too and this will not be the last one on my workbench 🙂
9 January 2015, 11:03

Could you do me a favour and let me know how big the base plate is with the street?
And how tall is the building?
9 January 2015, 11:53

Looking good Stefan. Nice progress, these are the parts you've had with you in our last meeting?!
9 January 2015, 18:02

@ Matthias, the dimension of the base is 25 cm * 22,5 cm and the building is ca. 22 cm height
@ Chris, yes, but because of an little mistake i have build a new stair
9 January 2015, 18:40

Hi mates, here is a little update. I paint a figure for the Diorama and this book was very helpful for me SCM Book: The Paint Guide for Figures of World War Two
3 February 2015, 23:54

Looks nice Stefan. Figure painting isn't easy isn't it. I tried it a few times and for me it is the most challenging aspect in model making. Would be fine you can bring the figure and the book to our next meeting. Cheers, Chris
4 February 2015, 19:21

thank you Es-hag
@ Chris, figure painting isn´t easy fore me too, but it is fun. You can see the figure and the book at our next meeting and i start also a projekt in 1:72.. Cheers Stefan
4 February 2015, 21:56

Please tell me, how do you achieve the weathering of your tank? Just through the magic of small dots of oil paint?
7 February 2015, 08:16

Hi Lionel,
I'm glad you like it. This weathering is the result of different techniques and i can try to explain it. First i use the Russian green 4BO painting system from Vallejo for airbrush to get different greens with highlights and shadows (pic12). In the next step some more highlights and spots were applied with a fine brush fore details and a large brush for the effects on the areas like the fenders. I use a mixture from different green colours from the Vallejo painting system (pic 14). At this stage i also applied the decals. Now follows a washing with a large brush, i use dark wash from MIG to set a filter over the hole model.(pic 15). Then i start a washing with fine brushes a small dots of oil paint or paint thinner to build up the shadows and correct the filter. For a different effect i use a large brush an a few white oil paint to dry brush highlights ( pic 16 / 19). It is more easy for me to start with not enough colour and build up a effect, than use too much and remove it from the model. At last pigments were applied with matt vanish and thinner from Vallejo (pic 22). Cheers Stefan
8 February 2015, 18:04

Looks like the building went together well. I had trouble with my Miniart building but it was my first vac form kit! It ended up OK though, after no small amount of putty, sanding, extra rubble, etc .. 🙂
9 February 2015, 01:45

Hi Stephan.
Thanks for the explanations. I'll remember that for my next tank!
9 February 2015, 13:02

Hi Julian, me too! 🙂, but you can't get a good result. I have some more Miniartkits and ideas for projects.
Hi Lionel, I'm glad you like it and it may be helpfull for you. Cheers Stefan
9 February 2015, 20:50

Hi mates, here is a little update. i have paint the figures for the diorama. This is my first attempt to paint figures with acrylcolors. I enjoy it , but I still have much to learn 🙂. Cheers Stefan
2 March 2015, 20:32

These figures look very nice so far. You did an excellent job!
2 March 2015, 21:03

Nice progress Stefan. Hope to make it this month to see it real. I missed the last ones because of to much 1:1 work🙁
4 March 2015, 10:05

Thx mates, glad you like it.
@ Chris, i hope to see you and the HMS Belfastat our next meeting too 🙂
4 March 2015, 11:42

Hi mates, here is a little up-date of one of my older projects. I finished the ruined factory and I can paint it next. Cheers Stefan
16 August 2018, 22:35

looking forward seeing it finished, tank and figures looking really good Stephan!
16 August 2018, 22:41

Thx Spanjaard, here is the next step. I used the airgun to prime the ruin and base plate. after that I painted the ruins in red and shades of dark brown. Cheers Stefan
18 August 2018, 23:07

ooh now I know how to correctly use Humbrol tins! of all seriousness.. that is a creative idea. never thought of using it that way.
19 August 2018, 15:47

Thx mates, I painted the wall with acrylic and oil paint. Cheers Stefan
25 August 2018, 09:09

Hi mates, the floor panels are painted. I continue with the painting of the door and the ventilation duct. Cheers Stefan
29 August 2018, 21:39

thx Spanjaard, here are two new pic. I used the hairspray method and different gray tones to paint the ventilation ducts. Cheers Stefan
6 September 2018, 22:27

Hi mates, here is the next update. I painted the stairs and weathered them. Cheers Stefan
10 September 2018, 21:37

I agree with Spanjaard, nice result ! 🙂
Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out
10 September 2018, 21:52

Hi mates, today I weathered the last things and put some mud on the bottom plate. Next, I will apply matte clearcoat and finally glue it together. Cheers Stefan
12 September 2018, 22:26

Hi mates, the baseplate is ready. Now I will do some more daylight photos next week. Cheers Stefan
13 September 2018, 23:02

Eines Tages werde ich vor Deiner Tür stehen und Du musst mir Deine Projekte zeigen. Mal wieder ein tolles Projekt!
29 October 2018, 15:45

My Favorit: Picture 8 real fine scale modelling. Great Dio. Gratulations.
29 October 2018, 16:49

thanks mates for the kind words.
@Acki, vielleicht 🙂, auf jeden Fall will ich wieder in Siegen ausstellen und alle neuen Sachen mitnehmen.
@Dirk, this file is my most important tool, I use it for almost all models 🙂
Cheers Stefan
30 October 2018, 17:46