Another big one, Matchbox Caterpillar DH8
April 15, 2017This is a kit i first layed eyes on somewhere in the early 80's, and I wanted it! About 5 years ago I found it on ebay!2
April 15, 2017It always seemed a little intimidating to me, and turns out, it is. A less experienced builder would probably have a lot of trouble with it. Instructions are not always very clear on where to place parts.3
April 17, 2017Overall fit is ok, but very loose on the moving parts so far. Some figures (in early painting stages) for scale reference.4
April 17, 20175
April 19, 2017The blade assembly. Very fiddly! I Drilled out the holes for the attachement of the blade to the arms and made some pins, since the kitpins where way to short.6
April 19, 2017Dry fitting7
April 19, 2017Some added detail.8
April 19, 20179
April 19, 201710
April 19, 2017Priming the cabine parts11
April 19, 2017I replaced all of the controlhandles with scratchbuild ones from steelwire12
April 19, 201713
April 19, 2017More priming and dryfitting14
April 19, 2017Coming together very nicely!15
April 20, 2017The grill is a decal, which doesn't look very good. So I started to drill the holes. The first one allready went wrong!16
April 20, 2017So, rather than trying to drill almost 1200 holes in the right place I decided to replace it with some fine mesh.17
April 20, 2017I made a frame from plastic strip and card18
April 20, 2017The frame in place19
April 20, 2017And glued with the mesh. Will add some bolts later.20
April 20, 2017The grill primed and in place. Much better than that decal! The paint clogged up some of the holes, I'll deal with that later.21
April 20, 2017Tracks!22
April 21, 2017Not very high tech driver protection cage.23
April 21, 2017Some lights from the spare parts box, I think from a Revell Unimog24
April 21, 2017Wiring always works great for bringing a model to life, although I haven't got a clue af where they are supposed to go. I'm pretty technical, just not with engines. But hey, as long as it looks good...25
April 22, 2017The big hook contraption that goes on the back26
April 22, 2017Starting to look like a dozer. Tracks in black basecoat, not properly fitted yet.27
April 22, 2017The blade construction28
April 22, 2017Engine in early weathering stage29
April 22, 2017Subassemblies, still some oarts to paint yellow30
April 22, 2017Engine in early weathering stage, part 231
April 23, 2017Started weathering and detailpainting this monster. Think i'll need at least a week for that.32
April 23, 2017It is going to look like it had a good couple of years hard labour. Lots of dirt, grime and rust.
13 March 2025, 21:16 -