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Torsten (TWN)

Ma.K. Hover Bike


4 15 January 2020, 16:19
Shazam! I'm watching this!
 17 January 2020, 01:20
Nathan Dempsey
I'm in for anything Ma.K. 🙂
 25 January 2020, 13:56
Torsten 作者
First color added, it's from Colorshift by Vallejo
 25 January 2020, 13:59
Torsten 作者
More pics from the wip, the engine block and the covering get some color
 26 January 2020, 17:36
Nathan Dempsey
Looking good Torsten.
 26 January 2020, 21:37
Torsten 作者
Thank you Nathan 🙂
 27 January 2020, 03:55
That color shift paint is very interesting...
 27 January 2020, 03:58
Torsten 作者
You say a word JD😉
 27 January 2020, 05:07
Torsten 作者
Some more steps, the driver like multicolor😉
 9 February 2020, 18:20
Torsten 作者
More steps with color
 16 February 2020, 17:29
Torsten 作者
Find some time to add some more color, but I'm not sure with the driver
 21 March 2020, 16:19
Torsten 作者
I decide to add the driver temporarely, so I start painting him, this give me time to decide I like it or not
 23 March 2020, 08:19
Torsten 作者
Okay, done for the first time, I think about details, but it's finished for now.
THX for watching!
 30 March 2020, 13:49
Nathan Dempsey
Cool project. Nicely done 🙂
 30 March 2020, 23:31
Torsten 作者
Thank you Nathan 🙂
 31 March 2020, 07:31
Torsten 作者
THX for the like Villiers 🙂
 2 June 2021, 16:39
Torsten 作者
THX for the like Peppy 🙂
 3 June 2021, 06:53
Torsten 作者
THX for the like S M 🙂
 3 June 2021, 14:44
Torsten 作者
THX for the like Thomas 🙂
 4 June 2021, 06:25
I was there watching you build this one, nice to remember.. Cheers Torsten! ??
 4 June 2021, 07:20
Torsten 作者
 4 June 2021, 15:11

Project info

56 图片
1:20 Hover Bike (Garage Kit )No Perfect Plastic Putty (Deluxe Materials BD44)


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