Ta-152 C-1
November 22, 2021There's a lot of junk behind the engine which is visible through the wheel wells because the Germans didn't bother to make it all tidy and hidden.2
November 22, 2021Like thus3
November 22, 20214
November 22, 2021Not too much detailing in the cockpit because I'm going to close up the cockpit, so nothing much visible.5
November 22, 2021Enough junk in the fuselage6
November 22, 2021Cannon barrels will be detachable for ease of building/sanding/painting7
November 22, 20218
December 23, 2021Wheel wells installed. Primer on!9
December 23, 2021Primer always looks good on kits10
December 23, 2021Sprayed on some Alclad aluminium, sealed it off and ready for masking fluid.11
December 23, 2021Black basing and RLM76 hellgrau12
December 23, 2021And mottled. Not perfect but I am satisfied with my Badger 150 result. Now on to decaling!14
January 29, 2022Finished plastic product15
January 29, 202216
January 29, 2022Radio wire is from Uschi van der Rosten17
January 29, 202218
January 29, 2022Weathering is done with oil and pastels19
January 29, 202220
January 29, 202221
January 29, 202222
January 29, 202223
January 29, 202224
January 29, 202225
January 29, 202226
January 29, 2022
3 22 November 2021, 20:22
Album info
Hobby Boss 1/48 Focke Wulf Ta-152 C-1/R14