Hawker Sea Fury
January 8, 20222
January 8, 20223
January 8, 2022Oh why, Airfix?4
January 8, 20225
January 8, 20226
February 25, 2022Making a left turn without the engine...7
February 25, 2022And with the engine! Panel lines are (partly) filled with Mr.Surfacer 500. Airfix tends to exaggerate these things.8
April 7, 2022I cracked the windshield, now I'm making a new one out of a transparant cover of some product.9
April 7, 2022Installing it with PVA, then CA glue. The starboard side is attached with two component resin glue, to optimize my experimenting with different glues.10
April 9, 2022Bollocks! Polishing fluid krept inside the cockpit. I had to remove the canopy, clean and replace without breaking the three piece windscreen.11
April 9, 2022But I reinstalled the canopy succesfully and primed the aircraft. Looks always pretty in prime!12
April 9, 2022To make the final coat more interesting I use Uschi's airbrush stencils with white and black.13
February 19, 2023With the final coat and decals14
February 19, 2023Painted spinner will be cut in half. Sprayed with black while spinning in the motor tool.15
February 19, 2023I've managed to find a pic of a five bladed prop and printed it (to scale) on a transparent.16
February 19, 2023The transparant was glued between the spinner halfs.17
February 19, 2023I'm not satisfied with the print of the propeller so I will finetune it and try again.18
February 19, 2023It looks alright though...
26 February 2025, 09:51 -