BANDAI 1:20 Bugatti T55 Super Sport Model 1932
5 14 November 2022, 18:22

Following whed great interest
I believe its the same kit as the entex I have in my stash
I fund the crome in that kit to be some of the best looking I have seen
Impressive for a kit that age
Looking forward to see what you do whed it
14 November 2022, 19:18

For now i have painted the chassis with tamiya PS-5 followed by PS-55 flat clear varnish, prepped the body and bonnet with tamiya white fine surface primer. After dry used the ZP-7003 Royal Blue from Zero paints, it is darker than the original color but a very nice classic blue, next step will be to mask the body and bonnet to paint the black with Zero Paints Jet Black which will be very strong and contrasting with the blue
14 November 2022, 20:08

Bonnet painted and body painted black, will need a third layer in gloss black as this paint did not convince me, retouches will be needed on both before varnishing
15 November 2022, 15:53

Inside body painted black and flat clear varnish coat applied where necessary
15 November 2022, 23:07

Body painted Royal Blue and Black, minor retouches needed to set the black lunes straight.
Dashboard panel and steering wheel painted and ready for assemble
23 December 2022, 14:05

Such a beautiful machine. Love you wheel and wood grain. Going to look great.
23 December 2022, 15:54

Thanks, i used 2 Vallejo paints, the 70.828 woodgrain and 70.834 natural woodgrain mixed 1:3 being the darker in smaller proportion to achieve a not so clear tone then used just the darker woodgrain spread in thin lines using just a tip of a toothpick to create the real wood effect (i have uploaded pictures of the paints i have used as well as the toothpick 😉😃)
23 December 2022, 23:18

Sorry, forgot to mention i used the darker tone, also applied with the toothpick, on the inner side of the steering wheel to try give it a real look (lighter on the outer, darker on the inner due to having less contact with hands or gloves as every driver back in these days used
23 December 2022, 23:24

Body painted and varnished, next step is to assemble dashboard and cabin
1 January 2023, 18:02

Dashboard and steering wheel assembled into body
Next step prepare and paint cabin, seats and instruments
2 January 2023, 13:05

I thought on building the yellow version but gave up on that soon enough as i had a lot of trouble to find a similar yellow, also the final result would not have as much visual impact as the classic black and blue, i also hesitated with the blue trim (thought on doing in chrome silver) but the smooth discrete finishing result convinced me 😃
2 January 2023, 13:11

Seats painted, carpet tapestry painted - black pigments covered with enamel black paint to create texture.
I was careless with that procedure so now i have to retouch the gearbox and shaft casing again.
Next step is to prepare and glue pedals and shafts into the cabin and assemble to the body
3 January 2023, 12:51

Cabin painted and assembled on to the body
Next step is to prepare the chassis and engine
10 January 2023, 14:25