SAS desert raider Willys jeep
December 22, 2022Lets see if I can build a «proper» SAS Willys.2
December 22, 2022Let the build begin!3
December 23, 2022The frame of the jeep is more or less done. The kit itself is the usual Tamiya «Shake and Bake», the PE is fiddly as PE should but the Black Dog conversion kit is so far a disapointment. I have used several of their 1/72 kits and those are awesome, but this one has bad moldings and details witch are mediocre at most.4
January 5, 2023Organized chaos… Some progress in the build, but I´m working slow, this build is going to be in several «sections».5
January 7, 2023I have startet to mock up the vehicle to have an idea about what the finished model will look like. You might notice it is painted OD. This will be the base for chipping when I paint the desert tan color.6
January 7, 2023Nothing is glued except the chassi to the Main body.7
January 7, 2023I like the way the instruments «pop out» with the film from Eduard. I painted the original dashboard white to get a good effect.8
January 7, 2023The Black Dog conversion set holds enough parts for two vehicles, but a lot of the parts are either damaged or badly casted.9
January 9, 2023The first of many Vickers machineguns. The Black Dog molding is far from Impressive.10
January 10, 2023Damn, forgot a mold Line there.11
January 10, 2023I have finished the machine guns. It was a fiddly job and I guess I used around four hours to complete them. I detailed them a bit with some wing nuts and chain to hold the mounting pins.12
January 10, 2023All guns are just tacked in so they might seem a bit more crocked than they actually are…13
January 12, 2023Most of the weapons and stowage ready for some primer. I was not looking forward to glue the handles to the jerry cans but this job turned out to be easy peasy.14
January 15, 2023Most of the stowage is just tacked on to give an impression how it will look.15
January 15, 2023I tried some chipping using the salt methode. I think i will stick to sponge and paintbrush.16
January 15, 2023It starts to look like a Desert Raider. There is still a lot of work and painting to do.17
January 15, 2023I´m not a great figure painter so it is a waste to buy resin figures. However, these figures have very good details. I´m looking forward to paint them.18
January 15, 2023I «liberated» the crew from the Tamiya LRDG set. They are Made by MD and of good quality.19
January 15, 2023The jeep needs a crew.20
January 15, 2023The figures general fit is very good, but a wee bit of filler is needed.21
January 17, 2023I have started to glue some of the stowage to the jeep. I made a rope from fly tying thread and superglued it to the cans on the front bumper to give an impression that they are secured to what is left of the grill.22
January 18, 2023Things are moving forward. Still a lot of detailing to do.23
January 18, 2023Weapons and more stowage.24
January 18, 2023Paintjob is far from finished.25
January 18, 2023Sand channels will be mounted on the spare tyres.26
January 18, 2023Need to make a camo net to fill out some empty space.27
January 18, 2023I made a camo net from Kleenex, tea leafs and diluted white glue. When painted I think it will look good. As of now at least it smells good 🙂28
January 19, 2023The right wingnut caught some battle damage.29
January 19, 2023Sand channels and some more stowage. The wingnuts was a pain30
January 19, 2023I painted the camo net in several colors of khaki, tan, browns and greens. I also used some heavily diluted Black oil paint to add some depth. We will see if it worked when it dries31
January 19, 2023A bit of chipping on the drivers helmet.32
January 19, 2023There is still room for some stowage.33
January 20, 2023Straps, personal weapons and more stowage in the making.34
January 20, 2023The drivers Thompson SMG with a homemade sling made from masking tape.35
January 20, 2023Same SMG from a different angle.36
January 21, 2023Disaster strikes! I managed to break the rear mounted Vickers in several places. It happened while I was installing some stowage. I got pissed once again over the poor quality of the resin and cut it clean off and disposed it in the garbage. Luckily I got the Dragon anniversery SAS Desert Raider kit and it has plenty of Vickers-Ks. They are both better looking and easier to build than the BD crap.37
January 21, 2023One thing that the BD kit does not have is the famous sun compass used by SAS and LRDG on patrol. Well, it might be a part of the kit but it is not possible to identify due to bad castings. I scratchbuilt one using a tiny piece of styrene, a round piece of spare PE, a copper wire and a wingnut. I think it turned out good.38
January 21, 2023Some pictures of the current status before the final painting39
January 21, 2023I guess it will end up as a small vignette40
January 21, 2023I like how these jeeps are «busy» with all the weapons and stowage.41
January 21, 2023As mentioned before I´m a crappy figure painter but I will give it my best42
January 22, 2023Not much work done today, I got sertified as an IPSC Handgun instructor instead… However, I managed to do some work on the Jeep (detail painting and clear coate…) and made a British web gear to stow some where on the vehicle. I made it from some spare parts, masking tape and some extra PE bits. I´m quiet happy with it, even though my SAS operator obviously expected something more «Gucci»43
January 23, 2023Finished the Jeep.44
January 23, 2023I guess I will say it turned out okay, despite the terrible BD kit.45
January 23, 2023Still need som crew46
January 23, 2023…and base.47
January 25, 2023Work in progress. As mentioned earlier, I´m not a great figure painter, but so far I´m pretty happy with the result so far.48
January 26, 2023I still have to improve my figure skills, but I´m slowly getting there… They are not finished, but they are getting better than I hoper for49
January 27, 2023Figures are finished.50
January 28, 2023Finished!51
January 28, 202352
January 28, 202353
January 28, 202354
January 28, 202355
January 28, 2023
13 March 2025, 21:52 -