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La revue Pheedens GarageTous les avis » (4 au total)
Thomas WirschingIsn´t there anyone who offers resin or 3d printed tires instead of these nasty vinyl ones within the kit?!
11 January, 13:37
me109g10Can anyone tell be where to buy it in germany or where to buy to get this shipped to Germany for a low price?
20 January 2024, 21:10
me109g10 AuteurThank you 🙂 shipping is as much as the model itself :/
21 January 2024, 00:29
BozzerAmazon now have this kit on preorder
13 October 2024, 01:13
me109g10 Auteurjust got mine from Modellbaukönig for about 40 € 🙂
5 November 2024, 12:03