Border Model | N. BC-001 | 1:35
I fatti
- Marca:
- Border Model
- Titolo:
- Apocalypse
- Numero:
- BC-001
- Scala:
- 1:35
- Digita:
- Snap-Tite
- Messo in commercio:
- 2022 Nuovo stampo
- Codice a barre:
- 6971995748236 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola pieghevole (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- red alert 2 » Altro (Fantascienza)
Contenuto della confezione
390x260x95 mm
(15.4x10.2x3.7 inch)
880 g (1.94 lbs)
Boxart disegnato da Jason Wong
Border Model
Scaricare 5459Kb (.pdf)
No partner shops available
Recensioni in-box
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Annuncio pubblicitario
Revisione in scatola Modellbau-Koenig
Revisione in scatola i-modelist.ru
Tutte le recensioni » (7 in totale)
Johnny B
Be GREAT if the flying soldiers with the jetpacks from the box are were also included with the kit, but fat chance, I know... Be interested to see what the price point is when it is released and would consider purchasing if the price was decent.
Be GREAT if the flying soldiers with the jetpacks from the box are were also included with the kit, but fat chance, I know... Be interested to see what the price point is when it is released and would consider purchasing if the price was decent.
2 25 August 2022, 01:21