GluefingerAMK are beginning to seriously p*ss me off with their vapourware campaign for this product.
For months now, they have bee insinuating that the release is just around the corner. See, for example, the thread on Britmodeller, where in November 2016 it was stated by "Martin @ AMK Hobby" that "Release date will be very very soon".
To me, this seems like a plot trying to stop people from buying competitors' products.
Had they been more honest I would have been willing to wait longer, but as it is, I have finally lost all trust in their announcements, and will throw my money in Tamiya's direction. As I will with ICM as they also have a product available that is sort of "announced" by AMK, but, considering the state of the AMK F-14, probably years away...
Mentioned Britmodeller thread:
Augie*Leaves a few handbags at the door and sneaks off*
23 November 2019, 22:18
Patrick HagelsteinSorry! Was not my intention to start a trolling conversation... 🙁 I just wanted to know any issues with the kit.... :-\
23 November 2019, 22:52