Nie wiemy nic o recenzjach na ten temat F-14A Plus Tomcat (#51508) z Hasegawa.
Ron GarciaSeventh Hasegawa F-14 I've built (when I was young and dumb I bought these as they were released) and fourth in a row. I've had some fit issues with these kits - especially in the main wheel wells - but this one was caused me all sorts of headaches for some reason. I had fit issues in many places.
The worst was the front cockpit section fit to the aft fuselage. The front section sat several noticeable millimeters too high or too low depending on how I finagled it in place. I went with the top and had to add a lot of putty to make it conform to the rear section. I have no idea how this happened since I have built all the others the same way. This kit was definitely the most frustrating build of the seven I've completed.
1 9 May 2021, 04:00