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Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА"

Soviet Combine Harvester SK5 "NIVA"

Snake Model | No. SM72010 | 1:72

Boxart Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА" SM72010 Snake Model


Snake Model
Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА" Soviet Combine Harvester SK5 "NIVA"
Kit complet
2021 Instrumentul nou
Cutie pliabilă (deschizător de vârf)
Combine harvester » Utilitate (vehicule)

Cronologie produs

Snake Model
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Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА" (#SM72010) din Snake Model.


Michael Kohl
This is a beautiful kit cast in immaculate resin with nice photoetch parts.
Thank you Snake Models for this special one.

Below I list a few things that caught my attention during the build. Maybe it will make assembly of the model even more enjoyable for others.

Kit and instructions contain some mistakes, some omissions and some queer stuff.
- Parts 7d and 13c were missing in my kit
- the wheels (part 1) actually consist of three parts
- part 6D is already cast onto the engine
- part 23 actually consist of two parts
- the exact location of the PE parts in step A is unclear
- in step A you need three pieces of PE2. The fret gives you alltogether 8 pieces designated PE2. Point is only: two of them have different shapes. Those two resemble the ones in the drawing. Only that the drawing is wrong. You need three of the six with the short lever. Then it works.
- some PE parts are labeled "L" and "R" in the instructions. There is no corresponding lettering on the fret.
- two PE parts designated 43 have different dimensions.
- in step B four PE pieces are labeled PE25 although two have different shapes
- PE31 is not labeled on the fret
- right side gear. PE57 exists in two shapes.
- there are no designated positions for quite a lot of the PE discs, although I feel, they are needed.
- Part 61 is redundant.

For Decals No 5 (two different shapes under the same number), 8, 9 and 10 no locations are indicated in the instructions. Neither did I see any of them in my references on the real vehicle .
1 November 2024, 10:35


20 imagini
СК-5 "Нива" 1/72View album, image #1
1:72 Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА" (Snake Model SM72010)
173 imagini
Harvester SK-5 NivaView album, image #170
1:72 Советский Зерноуборочный комбайн СК5 "НИВА" (Snake Model SM72010)1:72 Modern mechanics or farmer in dungaree (PA) (Reedoak RRC720138)1:35 Plastic Crates (Hauler HLU35098)3+