Russian S-300V 9A83 SAM
Trumpeter | No. 09519 | 1:35
- Marca:
- Trumpeter
- Titlu:
- Russian S-300V 9A83 SAM
- Număr:
- 09519
- Scară:
- 1:35
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2018 Instrumentul nou
- Cod de bare:
- 9580208095196 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- S-300V » Rachete sol-aer (Rachete)
Conținutul cutiei
Sprue din plastic (Clear), Sprue din plastic, Fret fotografiat (Brass), Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă) (Multi-colored), Foaie de mascare
582x340x110 mm
(22.9x13.4x4.3 inch)
1833 g (4.04 lbs)
Cronologie produs
Descarca 19011Kb (.pdf)
Piata de desfacere
No partner shops available
In-box recenzii
Recenzii externe
Revizuire Nigel’s Modelling Bench
Hm, seems like, kit makers are now simplifying tracks making them look less realistic. I've seen this with metal tracks for Panda Hobby kit, and here too in plastic, instead of having an intermediary joint part between two track parts, there's eventually just one track part glued to the other, with the intermediate part moulded onto the track parts, which afaik is not realistic.
Hm, seems like, kit makers are now simplifying tracks making them look less realistic. I've seen this with metal tracks for Panda Hobby kit, and here too in plastic, instead of having an intermediary joint part between two track parts, there's eventually just one track part glued to the other, with the intermediate part moulded onto the track parts, which afaik is not realistic.
7 September 2021, 13:17